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XBOX Live Gamertag Thread


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Anybody go on XBOX Live?


TDX1997 - TotalDramaXtremist (XBOX 360) (US)

Games: SSFIV, Naruto Shipudden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, Saints Row The Third, skate.

Ghost Killer - ThaGhostKiller (Xbox 360 & Xbox One) (Australia)

Games: USF4, MK9, UMVC3, MVC: Origins, SF2 HF, SF3: 3S OE, COD AW, COD BO2

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You should include the multiplayer games the people on this thread own and play regularly (if that person lists them, that is). Maybe include their region too?


ThaGhostKiller (Xbox 360 & Xbox One) (Australia)

Games: USF4, MK9, UMVC3, MVC: Origins, SF2 HF, SF3: 3S OE, COD AW, COD BO2,


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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