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How can I apply a zoom during a specific character move?

Ishiro The Third


Hey everyone. I'm working on a char and want to make him get a "zoom" while it perform a Hyper. I take Selvaria Bles by 41's zoom codes, but it does not work (the char works, but it don't get zoom when I active the move...)
There is the code that I'm using:

[statedef 117]
type = S
anim = 99999
ctrl = 0
[state 117, ƒY[ƒ€ - IN—pvarŠi”[]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = time = 0
fvar(24) = 0.01
ignorehitpause = 1
[state 117, ƒY[ƒ€ - IN—pvar‰ÁŽZ]
type = VarAdd
trigger1 = fvar(24)
trigger1 = time <= 6
fvar(24) = 0.008
ignorehitpause = 1
[state 117, ƒY[ƒ€ - IN—pvarŠi”[]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = fvar(24)
trigger1 = time = [7,20]
fvar(24) = 0.07
ignorehitpause = 1
[state 117, ƒY[ƒ€ - OUT—pvarœŽZ]
type = VarAdd
trigger1 = fvar(24) > 0.03
trigger1 = time >= 20
fvar(24) = -0.01
ignorehitpause = 1
[state 117, ƒY[ƒ€ - ŽÀŽ{]
type = Zoom
trigger1 = 1
pos = root,pos x,0
scale = 1+fvar(24)
ignorehitpause = 1
[state 117, Á‹Ž]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = time >= 26
Anyone can help?
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3 answers to this question

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Two things.


You can't just take the codes and expect them to work just like that. You need to understand what it is and how it was applied, or how you can apply it in your char. Use it as a reference rather than copy paste.


Second thing, the zoom sctrl is an unfinished/undocumented sctrl and I advise against using it. It's 1.1 exclusive for starters, and who knows if elecbyte will keep it(assuming they even come back). Winmugen had undocumented sctrls and those became useless for 1.0/1.1, making the char unplayable (unless you knew what you were doing and could remove said code without causing major issues).


There are ways to emulate zoom using scaling, but you'll need a custom bg during the move and put P2 in a custom state (iirc). I wanna say GM's SF3 chars do this.

If you want my released works, go here.

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You need to understand what it is and how it was applied, or how you can apply it in your char. Use it as a reference rather than copy paste.


That's the problem, I don't understand cuz I never saw chars with zoom in specific moves before playing with Selvaria



the only legit way to do a zooming.


is to put both players into a custom state, and angledraw them to scale which is very math related and guessing.


YEAH!! (...) And how can I do it?

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