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Athena '99 w/sprite edit


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This is actually an update of a previous release, though I'd say it's more like a revamp. Re-did tons of code and went in a different direction gameplay-wise. Tried to emulate the source as much as I feasibly could. System is basic and isn't based any particular game (nothing like Max Mode or Dream Cancels). A handful of properties (and damage data) are taken from '98 because '99 isn't exactly the ideal game and whatnot.






Psychic Throw                 F+HK
Bit Throw                        F+HK
Psychic Shoot                  F+HP/HK (in air, near opponent)

Command Moves:
Renkan Tai                        F+LK
Phoenix Bomb                   D+LK (air)
Triangle Jump                   UF (when not facing corner)
                                       UB (when facing corner)

Psycho Ball                        QCB+P
Phoenix Arrow                   QCB+K (air)
Psycho Reflector                QCB+LK (ground)
Neo Psycho Reflector         QCB+HK (ground)
Psycho Sword                    DPF+P
Psychic Teleport                QCF+P (ground/air)
Psycho Shoot                    HCF+P

Desperation Moves:
Shining Crystal Bit               HCB,HCB+P (ground/air, press 2P+2K to cancel)
- Crystal Shoot                   QCB+P (hold P to delay)
Phoenix Fang Arrow            QCF,QCF+K (air)

Super Desperation Moves:
Shining Crystal Bit               HCB,HCB+2P (ground/air, press 2P+2K to cancel)
- Crystal Shoot                   QCB+P (hold P to delay)


Download here and enjoy.


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I have some big complaints about her, and some small ones as well:




* Psycho Shoot and Psycho Sword allow air recovery for the opponent, and this looks totally off for a KOF character.


* Her special attacks can't be performed while running.


* Shining Crystal Bit is hard to pull off consistently.




command = ~F, $D, B, F, $D, B, x


instead of


command = ~F, D, B, F, D, B, x


makes the execution much easier.


* She can't perform the ground recovery move (state 5200) at all, not even when the opponent allows it (i.e. chars from PotS/PotS' clones). Her state 5050 doesn't have the code that leads her to the state 5200.


* It looks like her basic moves like Close HP or Close HK can be cancelled only into Psycho Ball and Psycho Sword (and Phoenix Arrow / Phoenix Fang Arrow for the aerial ones). This logic is wrong.


No fighting game works this way (the exceptions prove the rule), let alone KOF. Her cancellable basics should be cancelled into every special and super move (and, in case of KOF, command moves as well). Regardless of whether they connect in combo or not. Regardless of whether they deal damage at all or not.


Because of the current combo logic, some combos she had in KOF (like [HP > fwd+LK > SCB] or [jumping HP > air SCB]) don't work here.





I liked seeing that her code doesn't have any wrong syntax issues or deprecated commands. Not to mention other pieces of code done correctly, like using statetype != A as a condition for basics instead of statetype = S or C, or liedown.time applied correctly, ot that her taunt keeps the hitboxes of her stance. There's a good ammount of effort shown here.



Since you're aiming to accuracy to KOF system I can give some tips that are gonna help her to feel more like a KOF character.



* The paragraph below was taken from http://wiki.shoryuken.com/The_King_of_Fighters_2002




Hit and Blockstun: KOF 2k2 has universal hit- and blockstun: All lights have 11 frames of hitstun and 9 frames of blockstun. Grounded heavies have 19 frames of hitstun and 17 frames of blockstun. Jumping heavies also have 17 frames of blockstun, but only 11 frames of hitstun. Command normals always have 19 frames of hitstun and 17 frames of blockstun, even when done in the air. This makes them excellent combo starters. All CDs, ground and air, do 21 frames of blockstun and knock down on hit. Fireballs have 31 frames of hitstun and 29 frames of blockstun.



In addition, when landing from a jump, KOF chars don't get control at the same frame that they land. Instead, they take 2 frames to recover control when they land.



That's it. She's overall a well-made character and she shows a lot of things done right, but, aww, those air recovers from Psycho Sword and Psycho Shoot look so out of character :crywithno:


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Thanks for the support, I appreciate it.


- It was for compatibility reasons, guess I should've stated that. Even with that said it makes sense for Psycho Shoot; it'd end up defeating the purpose of being a juggle move. (fixed)

- Coding oversight. (fixed)
- My controller broke right at the end of development so I couldn't get a true gauge on how hard it was to do. The command you listed feels too easy imo, but better than the alternative I suppose. (fixed)
- I decided to use just state 5201 instead, though now I'm seeing why 5200 exists. (fixed)
- More oversights (I knew Psychic Teleport can be cancelled into), rather careless on my part. (fixed)
- From what I found hit and block stun is the same per say, but the hit pause times are different which is what gives them different recovery times. Projectiles work the same as grounded heavy attacks, of course without the player hitpause. Didn't know about the CD guard time though. Same for Jumping heavy attacks on block. (fixed)
- Seems to be a one frame delay from what I checked. Even though Mugen says she regain control on frame one, no other actions can be performed until frame two (which would act as that one frame delay). Best way I could replicate it, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
- One thing I just caught myself is not being able to regain control during the Provocative Action at some point. (fixed)
Made a new upload with the problems fixed.
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