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Use special mode as a default mode?



Example like Batman by Alucard, if you choose pal8, the Batman will change into Batzarro. It is possible to make the Batzarro mode as the default chars to use, no need to chose the pal8 anymore...can it be done?


5 answers to this question

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You just have to replace the default pal to batzarro pal:


; Definition file for Batman

; Player information
name ="Batman"        
displayname ="Batman"
author ="Alucard"         
pal.defaults =2,1,4     

; Files for the player
cmd      = batman_IA.cmd
cns      = batman.cns
st       = batman.cns
;st1       = Hyper.cns
stcommon = common1.cns
sprite   = Batman.sff
anim     = batman.air
sound    = batman.snd
pal1     = pals/Batzarro.act;pals/THEBATMAN0.act ;1996 MvsDC
pal2     = pals/THEBATMAN1.act ;Actual
pal3     = pals/THEBATMAN2.act ;80-90
pal4     = pals/THEBATMAN3.act ;OB
pal5     = pals/THEBATMAN4.act ;First
pal6     = pals/THEBATMAN5.act ;OB2
pal7     = pals/Infiltration.act
pal8     = pals/Batzarro.act
pal9     = pals/Kryptonite.act
pal10     = pals/Knight_Shadow.act
pal11     = pals/ZurEnArrh.act
pal12     = pals/THEBATMAN7.act ;Begins
;palx     = pals/Anti-Batman.act





You can do dat with pal2, 3, 4 and so on.

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That just change the pal from Batman to Batzarro. I have done that before. Batzarro mode has a different move and intro from Batman. Changing the pal just change the Batman appearance into Batzarro, but still the same moveset and intro by Batman.


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So you will have to open his cns file, and change all palno = 8 to palno = [1,8].


That way ALL pals will have the batzarro features. You can also replace the = 8 to a specific pal you want.

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You freaking noobs.  Good grief.


Ok, so I'm guessing you hold start and get different mode, not just palette 8, right?


So first off change the default palettes

pal.defaults = 7,8,9,10,11,12


But now you need to change the palette keymap so that you don't have to push start.  So at the bottom add this... (Modify if you prefer to use A instead of X.)


[Palette Keymap]
x = 7
y = 8
z = 9
a = 10
b = 11
c = 12
x2 = 7 ;Hold Start and press button X for palette 7, etc.
y2 = 8
z2 = 9
a2 = 10
b2 = 11
c2 = 12

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