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I must say Duralminn, you're quite something you know?


First you registered here and started a video thread in which you posted a lot of M.U.G.E.N videos.


Then you actually happened to be very good with the characters you play as, which is a main reason why people really liked your vids.


After that, your videos and your skill got so well known, you got tons of requests.


And now here you are, having made a thread in which you share with us the name, origin of and songs themselves you use in every single one of your videos, which is not something every "Mugen Video Thread" owner does, in fact you're the first one I know of who did that.


So thank you Duralminn for that great initiative of yours. I and undoubtedly many others here approve! good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


P.S. You've done some amazing work with the banners you use for each video, that also directly link you to the battle itself. That's very user-friendly and as such, very thoughtful of you. ;)


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!


I must say Duralminn, you're quite something you know?


First you registered here and started a video thread in which you posted a lot of M.U.G.E.N videos.


Then you actually happened to be very good with the characters you play as, which is a main reason why people really liked your vids.


After that, your videos and your skill got so well known, you got tons of requests.


And now here you are, having made a thread in which you share with us the name, origin of and songs themselves you use in every single one of your videos, which is not something every "Mugen Video Thread" owner does, in fact you're the first one I know of who did that.


So thank you Duralminn for that great initiative of yours. I and undoubtedly many others here approve! good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


P.S. You've done some amazing work with the banners you use for each video, that also directly link you to the battle itself. That's very user-friendly and as such, very thoughtful of you. ;)


Wow, I really appreciate that you say so!! :D (but I'm just one of MUGEN players :bath: )

I still have to train more and want to beat more stronger character as I can!! but not the cheap character :)



Actually, before I started this topic, some people that watched my videos asked about


BGM I used in video in youtube.(And you also!! :D) Then I thought this would be quite nice idea!!


I think because I get many BGMs from youtube, this can be possible :)



(I really like uploading my videos here because Korean MUGEN forum's members don't have interest like here.. :heeee: )


I really appreciate again you so much!! :D


I'll upload more great videos and train my skill! Thanks!!



P.S. And I'll train new characters more than Aoko :)

YouTube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/user/qwosk


I'll upload more great videos and train my skill! Thanks!!



P.S. And I'll train new characters more than Aoko :)


Sounds like you've got a solid plan, Duralminn. Can't wait already! :)


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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