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Hong Meiling by RicePigeon updated (09/14/14)


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Hong Meiling Updates

Changes from Version 2013.07.06

* Spellcard names now last until the state is over.

* Counterhit detection added.

- Moves now deal 25% more damage on counterhit.

- Light Normals now deal +1 additional hitstun on counterhit.

- Medium & Strong Normals, Specials, and Supers now deal +3 additional hitstun on counterhit.

* Removed Specials:

- Searing Rainbow Fist.

* New Specials:

- Descending Flower Slam: HCF+x/y/z (41236x/y/z)

* 6y

- No longer hits overhead if cancelled into from other normals.

- Can now cancel into 5z, 6z, 2z, or 3z during Fierce Tiger's Strength.

* 3z

- Damage per hit during Fierce Tiger's Strength increased: 30*30 -> 35*35

- Fixed bug during Fierce Tiger's Strength where 2nd hit would not make contact.

* j.5x

- Damage increased: 30 -> 40.

* j.5y

- Active frames reduced: 8f -> 4f.

- Hitbox extended horizontally in both directions.

- Vertical hurtbox size reduced.

- Damage increased: 55 -> 70.

* j.5z

- 1st hit Hitbox shifted. Now hits less space behind Meiling while hitting more space in front.

- 1st hit Hitbox now covers more space directly in front of Meiling.

- 2nd hit Hitbox extended downward.

* Fragrant Wave

- Hitbox range on projectile significantly increased.

* Cyclone Light Step

- Now hits three times during Fierce Tiger's Strength.

* Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

- Minimum Damage scaling is now set to 33% for all attacks during this super's effect duration.

- Moves now ignore juggle points during this super's effect duration.

- Normals now perform Soft Knockdown on Airborne opponents during this super's effect duration.

- Fixed bug where all damage proration values would be multiplied by 50%.

- Fixed bug where Timer would begin countdown prematurely.

* Changed Proration values for the following attacks to the following (All damages altered to compensate):

- 3z (Regular): 85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- 3Z (Tiger): 85%*85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Cyclone Light Step (Regular): 90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Cyclone Light Step (Tiger): 90%*90%*90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Scarlet Cannon: 85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Tremor Kick: 90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Fragrant Wave (Y): 92%*92%*92% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Fragrant Wave (Z): 92%*92%*92%*92%*92% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

- Strike Sign "Roc's Fist": 90%*90%*90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

Added 08/10/14:

* Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

- Effects Renewed.

* Flower Sign "Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm"

- Total Damage increased: 370 -> 385

Added 08/13/14:

* Bug fixed on all hitdefs where gravity acceleration was not applied correctly.

* Supers now perform Hard Knockdowns. Soft Knockdown handling corrected.

* Negative Edge detection improved. Adjusted command input leniency.

* Tremor Kick:

- Effects Renewed.

- Vertical hit velocity adjusted.

* Descending Flower Slam:

- Can now be used in midair.

- Heavy version trajectory altered. Now has more vertical trajectory and less horizontal.

Added 08/14/14:

* SFF file converted to SSFv2.

- Custom palette selection added.

- 6 new palettes added.

* Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

- Effects renewed.

* Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

- Fixed bug where 3rd hit would whiff.

Added 08/16/14:

* 2Z:

- Hit velocities adjusted/fixed. No longer knocks opponent as high on hit.

* 3Z:

- Vertical hit velocity slightly increased.

* YZ/4YZ Throw

- Effects added

* Fragrant Wave

- Projectile's horizontal hitbox size increased.

- Effect size is now 50% larger horizontally.

- Startup time on Y and Z versions increased by 2f. Fierce Tiger Strength variants are unaffected.

- Fixed bug on hitsounds.

Added 08/25/14:

* 2y:

- Hit velocity adjusted.

* Air 3x, Air 3y, & Air 3z

- Effects added.

* Fragrant Wave

- Fixed bug on hitpause times that would cause not all hits to connect.

* Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

- Now a level 3 super.

- Command changed to D,DB,B,D,DB,B+x+y+z

- Duration increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.

- Damage penalty on normals removed.

- Damage penalty on specials reduced from 10 damage to 5 damage.

Added 09/07/14:

* New Super:

- Color Sign "Colorful Windchime" (D,DB,B,D,DB,B + x/y/z)

* Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

- Extended hitbox of 2nd hit to avoid whiffing.

Added 09/11/14:

* Dash behavior adjusted. Grounded back dash now has startup invincibility.

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The amount of updates you implemented is so significant, I feel obligated to replace the old with the new. Good job Rice, I can only imagine how long it took to work on all of them.


Now let's see how my M.U.G.E.N handles a double dose of Hong (MA & RP).  :awesome


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Just like Michael's Mei Ling in the other section, this one is in dire need of BEAST AI.  I would love to use a monster Mei Ling on my roster!



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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