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serious question from trailblazer

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my mother was quite sad cuz i hadn't called or texted in 23 days.
i called her today due to a weird text she sent me.... and she cried as she went off on me on how she was worried and she didn't know what she had done to make me not call home...

is 10-23 days really that bad? am i a bad son to not call? its not like im deployed and its not like she can't call or text when she wants to? i answer any call she makes!

she just doesnt normally call. she waits for me to call. and i wait for her to call. and then she cries, and i cant take the high ground...and she used to be mad if i didnt call once a week... so when i did call on the 11th day she'd answer all angry and then the next time i should call id feel this anxiety...
is that how its to be done?



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Just say "mom, rather than worry just call or text".  But also try to remember that moms and dads don't really have much of a life outside the kids.  Seriously.


(edit) And part 2, get a gf that don't mind your mom calling her every so often.  Your mom really doesn't want to talk to you but is waiting to dump all the old family secrets onto someone else for safekeeping.

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Just say "mom, rather than worry just call or text".  But also try to remember that moms and dads don't really have much of a life outside the kids.  Seriously.


mi padre has no life as he is deceased..

she brought that up in the conversation as welll saying "your acting as though both your parents are dead."

thst really hurts


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She's just worried. Everyone is different. Some mothers might not take offence to that. But yours does. It's just her personality and it's perfectly fine. Just call her from time to time. It won't kill ya bro. :yaoming:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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