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[Full Game] Killer Kombat

Ultra Fatality

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Welcome !!! :bow:


Now lets talk Killer Kombat, First thing i want to talk about it the menu's and gamemodes





(The font isn't fully done, like it isn't fully designed to my liking and its to big in, in game fighting so yeah i need more font for the fighting and to redesign this font)  


First off is the main menu, The Main menu will be fully animated with a roaring fire under the gamemodes, various characters in the game will appear in the background fading in and out and with sparks of fire floating around the screen as well.



Storymode : It has not been started but the the story has been made so when i feel everyone and everything is balanced and ready I'll start coding this, this may be the last thing i do regrading coding things in the game, it will be and long and hard (pause) story with many battles and cut scenes so i can promise you it will be epic


Tournament : Tournament is basically arcade and tag arcade in one mode all characters will have an intro and ending after you beat the boss, it will have a lot of fights (maybe) depending on how long it takes to actually clear the game so I'll have to do a few playthroughs to see how long it will normally takes to beat the game 


Versus : This is self explanatory but it will have tag/turns in it so don't worry if the other tag modes are gone


Survival and Survival Co-Op


Dojo (Training Mode)


Demonstration (Watch)


Options (Of course)



(Not sure I should of listed this but yeah)



(Again font problem up top as you can see)


The option menu is also animated with the skulls moving around the screen


There is an gameover screen but i didn't take a screen shot of it i will get one when i can


And there you have it the menu and gamemodes explained i will talk about the in game features and character select screen next post, See ya for now

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Good news I'm free today and the next so I can talk more about the game so expect more then one post this time, Anyway lets keep this going




(Again font problems here so moving on from that)


This screen is also fully animated and as you can see you should be able to tell the whole roster from this pic so enjoy memorizing them till there proper revile





So the game features/gameplay is a mixture KI2 and MK3 with the combo counting and of course the hype announcer screaming the combos in your face, I plan to have stage interactions like on MK3 moving one background to another and etc. I'll do a whole post on the gameplay next post promise but for now im only focused on the basic kombat features and so far its moving pretty well just need to balance the characters and speaking of characters thats what my next post is about i will talk about the key thing of the game and thats the gameplay and the characters in it and how they will fight so enjoy the next post guys see ya soon

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Now on to the characters and gameplay


One good thing to note is all characters is made by me well nearly everything in the game is made by me yeah one man army lol but enough braging lets talk about these guys


Every character will have an KI Style special move meaning there's a special move that will open up a combo like Jago's wind kick or laser blade once it connects you can preform your combo, also each character will have 6 combo enders, 4 basic enders and 2 unique ones all having different effects such as............


Launcher Ender : This will send the enemy in the air for juggle combos


Stun Ender : The name should say it but if you still don't understand this will distance the opponent but stun him for you to start another combo if your quick enough p2 wont be stun for long


Damage Ender : This is the combo ender you use if you want to well really do damage to p2


Power Ender : This ender will give the player power for ex moves


Bounce Ender : This should also be self explanatory but if not this ender will cause p2 to bounce of the wall or floor


Classic Ender : The classic ender will be a throw back to the characters old school combo ender in there original game 


All characters have a unique playstyle and play very fast pace not MVC fast but faster then what they normally play Another good thing to note is there finishers yes its time to talk but the finishers.


Each Character will have the following finishers....................


Fatality : Each character will have 2 or more fatalities depending on if i have ideas and if there popular enough :awesome


Stage Fatality : This is a huge want/ work in progress because i haven't really started on building these feature yet but I'm determent to include this into the game


Ultra : KI's Signature finisher everyone will have there own unique ultra with a small easter egg hidden in them you'll know what it is if you played the recent KI for the Xbox One


Ultimate/Brutality : This finisher has been redone big time the opponent wont just explode at the end and every character will have there own unique killing moves


Tag Team Finisher : This is another huge want i have an idea on how to do it but again i haven't really started on making this code yet so i will let you guys know how it turns out if you keep tabs on the post at least


I think that covers everything for now, next post will be videos talking about certain characters and stuff so give me time to make the videos and i'll post as soon as i can

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No its not complete just keep tabs on the post and you'll know when its done and if a demo will be released

I'm not asking, if this is complete.

I'm asking, if this is a real fullgame or just a compilation.

But looks like my question has been answered already with the previous post.

If you really code at least most of the characters all by yourself, then it really is a real fullgame.

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I'm not asking, if this is complete.

I'm asking, if this is a real fullgame or just a compilation.

But looks like my question has been answered already with the previous post.

If you really code at least most of the characters all by yourself, then it really is a real fullgame.

yeah everyone in the game is made by me coded and everything only the top row of the roster is near 100% but like i said keep tabs on the post and you'll learn all you want and by the way don't worry even though this is a full game the characters will eventually be converted to normal mugen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dayum! If you coded these all by yourself, that means none of this is MKP. And just saying that is my way of saying You Rock! But also, some thoughts. Based on the screenshots, the UMK3 Cyborgs had their own individual and unique select icons. You show the 3 Cyber-Ninjas, but they are only different in color. Also, I see that the Ermac you have here is based on his more recent appearance in Mortal Kombat Deception. If so, it's probably to late to say, but I'd suggest sticking with the original sprites. Finally, I do not see a Chameleon. If you plan on doing a specific style of play, he could still retain one of each of the other Ninja's specials: the Ice Ball, Spear, Force ball (Reptile), Telekinetic Slam, Teleport Punch (with after-image effect), and to replace Rain's trademark kick, a reality warping uppercut.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Dayum! If you coded these all by yourself, that means none of this is MKP. And just saying that is my way of saying You Rock! But also, some thoughts. Based on the screenshots, the UMK3 Cyborgs had their own individual and unique select icons. You show the 3 Cyber-Ninjas, but they are only different in color. Also, I see that the Ermac you have here is based on his more recent appearance in Mortal Kombat Deception. If so, it's probably to late to say, but I'd suggest sticking with the original sprites. Finally, I do not see a Chameleon. If you plan on doing a specific style of play, he could still retain one of each of the other Ninja's specials: the Ice Ball, Spear, Force ball (Reptile), Telekinetic Slam, Teleport Punch (with after-image effect), and to replace Rain's trademark kick, a reality warping uppercut.



As of now I can tell you Chameleon will "Not" be in the game but you did give me and idea for something that can be done in the near future, As for Ermac i wanted the ninjas to be different as much as possible so i used his MKD sprites instead of his basic ones besides he has those bans on his face in MK9 which is another reason why i use these sprites so i don't think I'll be changing them anytime soon, The cyborg ninjas will diffidently have different small ports I'm only using these for now because i cant find any other ones but give it time I'm not really focused on them the top row of characters is who myself and everyone else should be focusing on


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Man that is nice maybe the combo ender at 2:00 can have the opponent fly back a Lil more


Oh yeah man the game is still in development so there's always room for improvements and ideas to pitch so no worries the finish product will blow you away i got so many plans for the game but right now I'm focused on getting the characters up and ready to be shown off so expected great things I promise this wont just be another simple mugen fighter its going to be beast 



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I see you have Baraka in your roster. I have an idea for him: he could be a combo powerhouse, using his blades to execute quick and easy attacks by chaining specials. Because he uses his blades, he will have attacks that either launch him towards the opponent (a blade lunge), or stun him. For balance, his combo's would be of speed and priority, but low power. This is a deadly combination, but a wrong move will leave him open for punishment. I can imagine an AI that has a knack for Stun Locks, but makes rookie mistakes in the combo's. Fatality wise: impaling, chopping, slicing and dicing. An Ultra combo at the end will leave an enemy in pieces - literally.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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