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About everything for AI



Hi guys

many times I search for programming in AI mugen but I don't and stand anythings

I reading for code characters and many posts for web sites mugen Then out of the same result ( I don't understand anythings )

some code I don't understand what's meaning like

Var , enemynear , ! , etc......


and this code 


[state -1]
type = ChangeState
value = 240
triggerall = roundstate = 2
triggerall = AILevel && NumEnemy
triggerall = P2statetype != A && var(10) > 0
triggerall = statetype != A
triggerall = random < (1000 * (AIlevel ** 2 / 64.0))
trigger1 = (stateno =  [200,240])&& movecontact
trigger2 = (stateno =  [1030,1050])&& movecontact
I don't understand some triggers in this code I can't understanding and many codes like this code
how to links moves AI To become AI make more difficult characters 
Is there a detailed explanation of this wider ?
Note : I can coding characters to play humans but I can't for AI because I can't understand how to programming AI
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1 answer to this question

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AI programming is easy if you have an understanding of CNS. I suggest you just keep the docs close by and reference it any time you have issues. However, I will give you explanation of each line of that code:


[State -1]
type = ChangeState ; I don't need to explain ChangeState, do I?
value = 240 ; ... or the meaning of this.
; First, All triggeralls need to evaluate (be equal to) "true" or the numbered triggers won't execute.
triggerall = roundstate = 2 ; While your are fighting and the intros are over.
triggerall = AILevel && NumEnemy ; If the AI is active and they have an enemy
triggerall = P2statetype != A && var(10) > 0 ; If p2 is not in the Air and the value of var(10) is greater than 0.
triggerall = statetype != A ; If you, P1, are not in the air.
triggerall = random < (1000 * (AIlevel ** 2 / 64.0)) ; Trigger randomly, based on the value of AI Level. It's a calculation. I can't put it in words.
trigger1 = (stateno =  [200,240])&& movecontact ; If P1 is in states 200 through 240 and has made contact (hit or guarded) on the enemy
trigger2 = (stateno =  [1030,1050])&& movecontact ; If P1 is in states 1030 through 1050 and has made contact


Before anything, this should be read and understood: http://elecbyte.com/mugendocs/cns.html

Here's everything though: http://elecbyte.com/mugendocs/mugen.html#documentation


I've been making characters for a few years now and still to this day reference these often. You can't be expected to remember everything. That's why these exist. However, they're near useless if you don't understand CNS, so please read that first document I gave you.

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