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MUGENGERS Video Series


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WOW you managed to beat dark god rugal? 0_o Really nice...and im also surprised your MC Chris can transfom into Orochi  :confuse:



Thanks for watching! :D He can also transform into Mizuchi too!


But I didn't transform into two often because it can be cheap char if I use that too much.


(I use tranforming when really in emergency..)

Nice fight man!! :D


Thanks for watching!! :D

YouTube Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/user/qwosk

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Sometimes I wonder if there's something that Nanaya can't kill.


He couldn't pick Melty Blood because Kohaku would control everybody's minds, Arcueid would rape everyone with backup from the planet, Shiki would easly kill them with his mystic eyes, Nanaya would just look at them and they would run away, Sion would see every single movement they would try to do, etc. It's just too unbalanced XD

Holy shit.

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