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Updated 6/10/14 Savage Hulk,Whitebeard, Akainu


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I reupped my links for my fans and those who still wanted it.
I really love making characters and demanding recognition for it was disrespectful.  
Today is my birthday and I will be going out with my friends I might not be back soon and I just hope others will enjoy it.
-Fixed AI
-Fixed offscreen dash
-Fixed level 3 hyper loop for akainu and WB
-Made the round 2,3,4 pal selector for hulk faster
-Added superjump to WB and Akainu
Savage Hulk
Akainu Sakazuki
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Here, let me fix your post for you, buddy:



If you still want to make fun of me, you need to be using that energy to go outside and get out that dark, musty room.
You have the freedom to make fun of me, but... I CAN CODE THOUGH.
I reupped my links for my fans and those who still wanted it. Because I'm awesome, and I reinvigorated chars that otherwise would still be chibi one-button hyper DS flops. I changed them to a
I really love making characters, and expecting recognition for well done art is common sense.  
Today is my birthday and I will be going out with my friends I might not be back soon mackin'. I just hope others will enjoy the artistic talents of one of my hobbies just for relaxing.
-Fixed AI
-Fixed offscreen dash
-Fixed level 3 hyper loop for akainu and WB
-Made the round 2,3,4 pal selector for hulk faster
-Added superjump to WB and Akainu
Savage Hulk, right out the books
Whitebeard, F*** yo ship
Akainu Sakazuki


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Lol that's pretty funny man but I lost my pride for my works. With will like this I can't make anything


Everywhere I go on a MUGEN forum as long as my name is Xasor I will be a joke and I don't think it will fade anytime soon.


On top of that it's all my fault.


Thanks for the time anyway, you've been a real bro

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Lol that's pretty funny man but I lost my pride for my works. With will like this I can't make anything


Everywhere I go on a MUGEN forum as long as my name is Xasor I will be a joke and I don't think it will fade anytime soon.


On top of that it's all my fault.


Thanks for the time anyway, you've been a real bro


A joke?  Seriously?  You're one of my favorite creators, you're better than this!  I don't even know how or why you've suddenly become depressed, but it needs to stop.

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Honestly Xasor has been through more than enough already. He clearly stated more than once what he wants to achieve and he's had his fair share of reactions on MFFA and the Guild, both positive and negative.


Xasor, I thank you on behalf of all your fans and all other people who like your work for re-uploading your characters so your work will not be forever lost once you go and move on with whatever it is you're dealing with in real life now.


Now for the sake of not letting this drag on any longer, do your best to refrain from wanting to correct people because the longer you reply to them, the longer this will go on. And for what? For people to tell you to "drop it"?


Anyway, those are my final words on this whole drama. All that remains for me to say is :


Best of luck in your future endeavourments, Xasor!


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Xasor, look up the definition of the term "Waifu". Read it carefully. Then realize those who make fun of you (as well as me, and many others) actually live the life Urban Dictionary actually defines under "Waifu". Then think about what kind of life these insulters live. Every day, all day, for years, and will be in the future. When you literally go out and hang and talk to ppl, they are still closed up in their room insulting ppl and touching themselves to japanese drawings. Keyboard commandos indeed. So yeah, truth be told, if you met them IRL, you would have very very hard time taking them seriously at all. So, take a break, and THINK about that i said.


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Whoa whoa whoa wait, what?

The hell kind of sense are you making here? You mean to tell me that we all live in what's called the "urban dictionary life" when it comes to "waifu"?

Hate to say this, but permission to put my foot down on your logic.



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You guys are right this I'm the victim shit isn't working. I'll continue making characters cause I love doing it, not for anything else.
Thanks for the advice and support.
UPDATED 6/11/14
OFF TOPIC(Why I updated the parry LOL)

I was playing with my girl and we used the dual joypad, she ask how to do the parry with my One Piece characters.
I said you need to go forward while holding backward and this weird staredown happened. It hit me like a bolt how can I do that on a joypad ? LOL I was doing it on a keyboard so I didn't notice anyway the parry is now "Z-UNIQUE ACTION BUTTON"  while guarding

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For the parry, as good as that sound (pressing a button to parry).. wouldn't a "just tap forward as soon as the opponent attacks" work? (Idk, I'm thinking about 3rd Strike's parry, which is quite common. Metal Gear Rising kind of did that as well, along with CvS 2 if you use the "P" groove).


But anyway, hope you're still accepting feedback, cause I'm going to test these out later on. :)



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For the parry, as good as that sound (pressing a button to parry).. wouldn't a "just tap forward as soon as the opponent attacks" work? (Idk, I'm thinking about 3rd Strike's parry, which is quite common. Metal Gear Rising kind of did that as well, along with CvS 2 if you use the "P" groove).


But anyway, hope you're still accepting feedback, cause I'm going to test these out later on. :)


 Lol I won't explode on you like a nerd rage kid. Yeah it kinda is like that but with a joystick its pretty hard I tried multiple times. BLOCKING + Z is easier though


UPDATED HULK fixed palfx and made the UMVC3.act the default pallete cause it looks much better credits to ZombieBrock

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Happy belated birthday!  th_091_-2.gif


It is good to see you chose to continue your MUGEN'ing.  Re-sharing your MUGEN stuff is your best decision made! 


My case was worse than your case; yet I still try to stand in here (MFFA here only).  "Caring is Sharing" is the most important motive for MUGEN hard workers like you.


Give us more of your MUGEN ideas and products!  :bringitout:

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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Great job, bro! Hope to see that Luffy and many others from you, especially Gold Roger. What you did with WB and Akainu is beautiful.


Whoa whoa whoa wait, what?

The hell kind of sense are you making here? You mean to tell me that we all live in what's called the "urban dictionary life" when it comes to "waifu"?

Hate to say this, but permission to put my foot down on your logic.


Yeah, part of that was typed way too fast, while I was in a rush. My bad. Seriously. Damn it, Thrillo.


As far as "we all" live the urban dictionary life? No, no, no, basically the guys who tore him and his self esteem down without proper provocation, personal insulting, and unprofessional nor neutral criticism of his creations, are basically people who are no where near important enough to cause him to feel as bad as he did, or quit something he enjoys. He shouldnt feel upset over bitter delusional cyber bullies.


I appreciate the criticism. But permission to put your foot down? IDK. Sure. But I'm not interested in arguing. This thread, and this site, is about the art, and improving it. I'd rather discuss the art personally, since all of us here really enjoy QUALITY art (That's right, Xasor. We all love your quality).


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