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EX-Iori XIII by Darklos UPDATED (05/21/2014)

柊 明

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It's very nice to see such a pretty solid Ex-Iori XIII has received such a number of fixes and things added with this update. Darklos has done a good job indeed. 


Though I still wonder how a character that looks and plays like it's completed is still considered a beta by him.


Regardless, thanks for bringing this under the attention of all those who weren't aware of this yet, Akira. ^_^


P.S. I do wonder though, when one compares all the different versions of KoF XIII's Ex-Iori made for M.U.G.E.N (TightRiam, Darklos, 41 & K6666orochi), which author has managed to make the most source-accurate version or just the best one in general? I understand this is a subjective thing but I'd like to know people's opinion on the matter.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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P.S. I do wonder though, when one compares all the different versions of KoF XIII's Ex-Iori made for M.U.G.E.N (TightRiam, Darklos, 41 & K6666orochi), which author has managed to make the most source-accurate version or just the best one in general? I understand this is a subjective thing but I'd like to know people's opinion on the matter.

Darklos's version is by far the best version although the author added a new move to him, I am looking forward to his Nests Kyo and hope he make a K' too since there is no good version of K from KOFXIII in Mugen

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