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Requesting somethings

Ishiro The Third


Hello, everyone! I'm back to MFFA, and i got some requests for beging:


1st- This chars was alredy online, but now they aren't... Does anyone can help me to find it?

1- Ryuhaku Todoh final version by Larno:


2- John Rambo SNK Style:

3- CCI Mr. Karate Ryo edited by Jonathan Silveira & Gabiru (Also the BMG from the first fight):


And some stages

1- Exodus train by Beximus:

2- Real Bout 2 China Stage by DeathSmile:


3- Fatal Fury Yamazaki stage:



And at last, the char on left :


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Welcome back Ishiro, glad to have you back among us!


Without further ado, let me help you out a bit :


Stages :


1) Exodus Train by Beximus


2) Real Bout 2 China Stage by DeathSmile => offline, don't have it myself.


3) Fatal Fury 3 Mai Stage - East Side Park 1 by M.G.R.


Character :


1) Black Rouga Zanma by Kagetsu Yuki


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Welcome back Ishiro, glad to have you back among us!


Without further ado, let me help you out a bit :


Stages :


1) Exodus Train by Beximus


2) Real Bout 2 China Stage by DeathSmile => offline, don't have it myself.


3) Fatal Fury 3 Mai Stage - East Side Park 1 by M.G.R.


Character :


1) Black Rouga Zanma by Kagetsu Yuki

Thank you, Winmugen11 \o\

Exactly what I was looking for



link for snk todoh.

link for snk rambo

Thanks a lot, レインボーダッシュ, SNK Rambo is exactly that

But this Ryuharu is the Beta one from Larno, this:

Haven't complete moves, sprites, animations, contants and voices... I wanna this one from this video

Here is a reference link:




That second Portrait is Kim by Jmorphman.

Do you mean the stage? e_e

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Thank you, Winmugen11 \o\

Exactly what I was looking for



Thanks a lot, レインボーダッシュ, SNK Rambo is exactly that

But this Ryuharu is the Beta one from Larno, this:

Haven't complete moves, sprites, animations, contants and voices... I wanna this one from this video

Here is a reference link:




Do you mean the stage? e_e

WHOOOPS, LOL! I thought you meant the character! My mistake >_<


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The BGM used in the first fight of the Ryo video is called "Kyokugen Training! Mountain Seclusion". It's the theme of the Art of Fighting Team for KoF XIII.


You can double-check it here :




However you'll have to convert it to a music file yourself or download it somewhere as it is against the Request Station rules to provide OST's,  by which we mean we can only provide song names, not files.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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WHOOOPS, LOL! I thought you meant the character! My mistake >_<

hehe >< Tnx



The BGM used in the first fight of the Ryo video is called "Kyokugen Training! Mountain Seclusion". It's the theme of the Art of Fighting Team for KoF XIII.


You can double-check it here :




However you'll have to convert it to a music file yourself or download it somewhere as it is against the Request Station rules to provide OST's,  by which we mean we can only provide song names, not files.

No problem, i would say thank you, dude

How about the OST's rule... No problem:


This is a online conversor from Youtube videos to MP3; Thank you! \o/

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Open the file snkRambo.def and look

name = "John Rambo " 
displayname = "John Rambo"                     
versiondate = 03,02,2004                  
mugenversion = 04,14,2001                 
author = "Ricardo Omar"                
pal.defaults = 1,2,3,4               
cmd       = Rambo.cmd           ;Comandos
cns       = Rambo.cns           ;Constantes
st        = States/Basico.st    ;States de Movimentos Básicos
st1       = States/Normal.st    ;States de Golpes Normales
st2       = States/Especial.st  :States de Golpes Especiales --->Has can you see, is used ":States" and not ";States". Delete the ":" and put ";"
st3       = States/Super.st     :States de Golpes Supers ---> Do it here too
stcommon  = common1.cns         ;States Comunes
sprite    = Rambo.sff           ;Sprites
anim      = Rambo.air           ;Animaciones
sound     = Rambo.snd           ;Sonidos
pal1      = SNKRambo1.act  ;Verde
pal2      = SNKRambo2.act  ;azul
pal3      = SNKRambo3.act  ;rojo
pal4      = SNKRambo4.act  ;celeste
And it will work fine
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