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Battles "Zoomed In"

Flowering Knight


If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll just show you with images, since I'm too lazy to explain it in words.


This is an earlier image of mine (Mugen was running in 1024x768)



This is an image I would make now (1280x720)


Yeah...Not too good when you're using taller characters such as Raoh.

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5 answers to this question

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when you use 1280x720 you have to edit things like:

Give them characters and stages Localcoords (Stages also needs a bit editing of x and y)

and thats much I know of my knowledge 

Ex: p1 has localcoord and p2 doesnt ;  Stage is also modified X,Y, and localcoord = 426,240



Examples for localcoord numbers (You add these in the .def file of the character or\and stage)

localcoord = 426,320 (some characters like omk or HD characters that already have localcoord would need some modifying)


 "Your so Naive-"

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Em may I know about how to modified the X,Y on stages? It make the stage look a bit smaller in 720 res or what? Kinda noobie about the stages thing.


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1024x768 is a brother to 640x480, so it looks normal. 4:3 ratio.

1280x720 is a fat cousin to 640 480, its 16:9 ratio.


its basically your old game was standard definition view.


and your new view is wide screen.

to fix that everything is bigger.

to fix the big do what Dartz says.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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when you use 1280x720 you have to edit things like:

Give them characters and stages Localcoords (Stages also needs a bit editing of x and y)

and thats much I know of my knowledge 

Ex: p1 has localcoord and p2 doesnt ;  Stage is also modified X,Y, and localcoord = 426,240



Examples for localcoord numbers (You add these in the .def file of the character or\and stage)

localcoord = 426,320 (some characters like omk or HD characters that already have localcoord would need some modifying)



In other words, I'll have to add the localcoord to every character I have.

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