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SAVAGE HULK (custom) 1.0 by Xasor


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I didn't edit it man, I made it I was renegade way back when I made this character

Oh gosh, my apologies :bow: . I've seen many this Hulk before so I thought you edit it. It does good, I like the hitspark. Although there are one problem. When I do air combo, I accidentally make him use one of his hyper which he smack the groud twice, that move was done on the air and after that he was still in the air, basically his floating. I need to press jump to make him land on the ground back. I'm sorry I forgot to take the screenshot of it. You might want to check out.


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I agree with volzilla, your Hulk is actually my main Hulk right now. It does great. I like it more than other Hulk in mugen.


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main hulk? am i the only person that like duplicates (as long as they are different)? i have 6 hulks...8 if you count the red ones, lol

Main Hulk means it for my custom screenpack. For custom screenpack, I only pick one version of the character to add to my roster. Like Ryu, I have many version of Ryu in my EVE screenpack but for my custom screenpack, I only chose SF3 Ryu for the slot. Btw, are you mean the red ones is the Red Hulk? Well, Red Hulk and Hulk is a separate character. I don't count Red Hulk as same Hulk.


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oh i know what you mean. i was just trying to create a tangent about how its no big thing to have duplicates in a main roster. all that matters is having characters you enjoy in general, regardless if they are your 4th hulk, 10th batman, or only ultron :)

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I have 3 mugen, one is the default version. This only for testing the character that I recently got. Second is the EVE HD mugen. This one is a collection purpose. All my characters are there. The third one is a custom mugen. This last one is to make my mugen look like an actual real game. This version always change due to we always got a new custom screenpack released.


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Whatup with this hulk? i can't found it in your site. 




Lol, its too much work I'm cancelling this release I was messing around with old files and I knew I shouldn't cause i lost the notes of bugs of this hulk.
To the admin's please delete this topic sorry for the inconvenience 



He's already cancel this project.


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