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Mugen 1.0 Screenpack/title music Problem (SOLVED)



i recently downloaded this screenpack from cyberbit:



all works fine only the title music wont play...i editet vs/victory etc music and it worked but when i try to add music for the title menu my mugen shows this:

Entering main loop
Playing storyboard ss_intro.def: scene
Storyboard playback canceled 10:0 k0 p6
Finished playing storyboard ss_intro.def: scene
Entering character select.
attempting load and start...attempting load of data/samuraishowdown/cursed_battlefield.mp3...Couldn't open BGM file data/samuraishowdown/cursed_battlefield.mp3!
error 1!

attempting load and start...attempting load of data/samuraishodown/select.mp3...hooking mixer callback...

ive tried with multiple different mp3s but no matter what i try the music wont play.. :/

my system def looks like this:

    ;Music to play at title screen.

title.bgm = data/samuraishowdown/cursed_battlefield.mp3
title.bgm.loop = 1
    ;Music to play at char select screen.
select.bgm = data/samuraishodown/select.mp3
select.bgm.loop = 1       ;*2001.04.01 NEW*
    ;Music to play at versus screen.
vs.bgm = data/samuraishodown/vs.mp3
vs.bgm.loop = 0
    ;Music to play at victory screen.
victory.bgm = data/samuraishodown/battleover.mp3
victory.bgm.loop = 0

i edited select/vs/victory music so the wrong system.def file edited shouldnt be the problem..
i just dont get it..

sound files are all located in the Samuraishowdown folder..so..?


anyone who can help me please?

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