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I've had him for a while now. and he's pratically finished.

Just a few loose ends i need to fix but I think he is worth sharing with the rest of the world.


So I present to everybody Yamato from Dragoon Might.


6 Button Gameplay.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

mostly accurate.


Whatever wasnt fixed in the beta version is fixed now.

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i code for 1:1 sprite size.


i learned my lesson years ago with my chibis.



The sprites are sized for analog scaling just like CPS systems.  So your 1:1 theory is literally wrong.  Once again, 16:9 didn't exist in 199x.  This has nothing to do with chibis.

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The sprites are sized for analog scaling just like CPS systems.  So your 1:1 theory is literally wrong.  Once again, 16:9 didn't exist in 199x.  This has nothing to do with chibis.


your just full of wrongs and rights arent you?


I made everyone so there sprites are 1:1. If he is to big for you, thats your problem. scaling him would make him not work correctly.


back in the old days about 7 years ago, I used to filter and double size chibis, they looked shitty but at the time I thought it was cool.

But I learned from that.

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* First, the most important. His horizontal scale = 1 instead of 0.833 makes him look horribly stretched.
* 1st hit of Samurai Slashes is air-recoverable. In addition the move causes debug flood if it hits (Expression truncated to integer).
* His yaccel is 0.44 . Please stop following KFM's standards. Yamato's jumps are too floaty. Use 0.5 or more unless these floaty jumps are source-accurate. But since they weren't modified from KFM this is still a sign that you are following KFM's terrible constant values.

* When he crouches, his blue hitboxes don't cover the width of his body (the ground.front + the ground.back). The circled areas are uncovered by blue hitboxes.
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Because of this, when a char like KFM tries to push him by walking or running while he's at crouching position, you'll see the opponent twitching around like mad.
It's because Yamato's excessive width impedes the opponent of reaching Yamato's hitboxes (which are pushboxes as well). The correct hitboxes for his crouching position should be something like this:
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Try to use this and you'll see KFM pushing him correctly.
* His x running spped is 8 and his x running jump speed is 4. It makes him lose barely all the momentum of his run for executing a running jump. This looks awkward. Unless this is source-accurate, give similar values to both constants.
* In his -3:
[state -3, Landing Sound]
type = PlaySnd
triggerall = Time = 1
trigger1 = stateno = 52 || stateno = 106
value = 40, 0
This is pointless. Use the playsnd in his states 52 and 106.
Putting in the -3 makes Mugen try to execute in almost every single tick, trying to check if he's at the state 52 or in 106. In 99.99% of the cases he won't. Keep only really important functions in his -2 and -3.
KFM has the same sctrls in his -3. KFM is crap.
* Far MP has less startup frames than Far LP (9 < 13). In addition 13 frames for a light attack is a terrible value. It should be around 3-6.
* The first hit of Crouching HP doesn't connect if the enemy is not cornered. Intentional?
* No cancellable basic moves. It means not even simple combos
* KFM's gethit CLSNs? For a char thrice as large? Gethit and walking blue CLSNs should be as close as possible to the idle standing / crouching clsns of the char. Preferentially identical.
This prevents an attack from the opponent from not hitting you in situations wher it would hit if your char was in an idle stance.
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* It's clear that the dragon sprite during his Rising Dragon is cropped at the bottom. I don't know if it's source-accurate or not. But if not, you shouldn't use a cropped sprite in mid-air.
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Make sure to read the thread below. It helps your char to play less like a Mugen character and more like a real fighting game character. Your Yamato commits many of the mistakes listed there and he will be benefited by many of those codes:


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Man I hate the quoting system here.


>>>* It's clear that the dragon sprite during his Rising Dragon is cropped at the bottom. I don't know if it's source-accurate or not. But if not, you shouldn't use a cropped sprite in mid-air.

It is not. Granted, that might just be a sprite ripping problem since getting sprites from this game (and sounds) is a pain.


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Can't really say anything about the speed on my end since the source suffers from emulation problems in current MAME builds. The opponent shouldn't be able to air recover from first hit of Samurai Slashes and his basics should cancel.


Out of time, So say goodbye.

What is yours, now is mine.

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Thanks for the feedback.


I overlooked all of that stuff. and NEVER! power to KFM!


also. I have the cut off dragon sprites because that was on the sprite sheet, I did not rip the sprites myself.

so I am aware of that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, the very first Dragoon Might Yamato was released by our very Ryon!  Your WIP was awesome already!  I must test your release version out and will get back to you later soon!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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