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1.0 Edited Broken Mugen (lots and lots of slots)


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Hi guys, this is basicaly the Broken Mugen with the UMMC character select screen (i edited the sprites so they blend well). i'm planning to do another version whit less slots and bigger cells. i hope you dig it, to start playing you just need to use the "bm1.0 - EDIT" bat file.


From the readme:


"Hi this is Juaniquillo Well this is an edited version of the amazing Broken Mugen screenpack created by two4teezee and Saikoro. I made this edit taking parts from the awesome UMMC Mugen screenpack by Hloader. so the credits go to those guys.


the idea behind this edit is to have powerful graphics and a lot of slots, so i take the best from this two great screenpacks. this is for people who collects lots and lots of characters, hope you dig it. btw sorry for the bad english :B"


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Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/h9e5klal3c6l2px/Broken%20mugen%201.0%20EDITED.rar


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Juaniquillo awesome select screen but is there a way to stop the lag or is it just my pc? I've heard quite a few people complaining with lag problem in the select screen. Is it like that for everyone? Really that is the only thing that is making this screenpack not perfect but the rest is awesome!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Juaniquillo awesome select screen but is there a way to stop the lag or is it just my pc? I've heard quite a few people complaining with lag problem in the select screen. Is it like that for everyone? Really that is the only thing that is making this screenpack not perfect but the rest is awesome!

Sorry for the late reply, i left mugen for a few months. it might be because the screenpack uses two different sff files, since I took part of Hloader's screenpack when I was using it the sp worked just fine even with my whole character collection. so I guess with a faster PC and 1.0 it would run perfectly.


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Thanks for the Reply!! by the way do you have any plans on converting it to 1.1? just curious ;), 1.1 has far less lag and framedrops, better performance overall :) 

well i'm kind of done with this since it's just an edit. to tell the truth i prefer to work in my own screeenpack "Mugen Ax2"


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