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(1.0+) Zangoose

The 100 Mega Shock!

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A few hours left to wrap my Christmas present.
Still six buttons, similar system to before. Faster, stronger, better coded and guaranteed smarter than Mewtwo
Previous video since I don't have the means to record new ones right now:
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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually yes, but essentially a total overhaul that I'm going to be posting more about in the future. Update Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX0svVtVO_Q http://www.mediafire.com/download/i8fialcpsodscw0/zangoose.zip http://www.mediafire.com/download/iif1ulvm1fp7kip/zangoose.7z This update fixes several bugs and oversights in the AI and character code and makes general improvements to most of the character, including more variance to the special attacks: AI: (Behaviour changes apply to higher difficulty levels; lower difficulty may perform actions at random) Might get around fireballs a little better. Shouldn't try to guard cancel fireballs unless the enemy is very close. No longer attempts Pursuit attacks before it's possible for the player to use them. Shouldn't try and combo into Crush Claw when startup is too long. Shouldn't try and combo into Tackle when startup is too long. Shouldn't try and use X-Scissor when the opponent is too high up. Checks both player's facing when choosing the appropriate ground recovery. ------------------------------------------------------ Palette select off by default. Times-out after a period of inactivity, should retain values between each round. Width adjusted to fit the sprite. Recovery time from jumping significantly reduced. Turning animation takes precedence when Zangoose jumps over the opponent. Fixed HK throw using the wrong variable in a trigger. Close MK reaches much further. Crouch MK hitbox slightly lowered. f+HK recovery changed. Ground Recovery faces player 2 when standing up. Crouching LK, MK and HP cannot be guarded high. Jumping normals cannot be guarded low. Most moves can now be blocked in the air. Fixed Tackle, Close HK, and Jump LP missing when next to very thin opponents. EX Iron Tail reduces opponent's defence for a short period of time. Fury Swipes: Reduced EX damage to reasonable levels. EX doesn't automatically attempt the 3rd attack. 3rd hit now causes knockdown, can't be cancelled into super. 2nd hit recovers much faster if not continued. Damage and startup reduced for Light and Medium variants. Pursuit: EX followups now unique. Width increased. Grab no longer reaches crouching opponents. Angle of jump adjusted for each strength. Tackle: Width made larger. Hurtbox made larger around the head and elbow. Hitbox pushes out slightly further and not as tall. X-Scissor: Knocks down opponents. Hitbox made slightly taller. X Velocity increased. Crush Claw: Attack sequence no longer uses hitdefs, so characters with odd hitboxes or a strange mid pos won't be stuck in the air. Hitdef now active from the correct frame when the hitbox appears Can't grab crouching opponents. X Velocity decreased; Y increased. Hitbox moved higher and further inside Zangoose's sprite Grab hitbox isn't active for the entire animation while falling Several EX moves / supers given small invulnerability periods Character-specific winquotes enabled. Minor animation & velocity changes.

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Zangoose is totally debuting in my singles division in the #2400s so look out for him there guys!  :3



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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