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Alp's a no show, Gets booted to losers bracket.....





dammit! been dealin' with a bunch of RL dumb chizz [impromptu rude-ass houseguest, trans goin' out on truck, work, etc], hence tha reason i've not been seen around much lately, but i want my fight with Bjay.! i'll be damn'd if some1 slides by me & i get sent to tha L bracket w/o them earnin' it, phukk that! i'll battle him tomorrow, usin' MAME Plus+ 119, at any given time.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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dammit! been dealin' with a bunch of RL dumb chizz [impromptu rude-ass houseguest, trans goin' out on truck, work, etc], hence tha reason i've not been seen around much lately, but i want my fight with Bjay.! i'll be damn'd if some1 slides by me & i get sent to tha L bracket w/o them earnin' it, phukk that! i'll battle him tomorrow, usin' MAME Plus+ 119, at any given time.


Hmmmn....I doubt that can happen..Lagato, can you undo what's done? or is it too late?



also please ignore the ticking sound.  Since for some reason fraps recorded the tick sound of the MFFA chat which honestly that has never happened before

Next time mute the chat just to be safe


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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damn'd good battles. these need to be up'd to GFFA. Twi, pm me, i'll give ya tha account info, as i'm sure you prob'bly don't remember it, & invite B & Legato to tha convo as well.


i'll be back here in about 3-4 hours, & i'll make sure to drop by tha chatroom, so Bjay, get ready, I'M COMIN' FOR YA! Posted Image


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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I'm online now!


...Though only for about 45 minutes.

Alp wasn't around so Sess and BJay fought instead as the tourney says it should.


It was good match and BJay had a good Shuma but in the end SesshomaGoku takes the win with 2-0


Sadly there is no video because no one could record at the time because I was there watching the whole match. It was a legit fight


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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Tournament should have been over by now.(like this Past Sunday.)

Kinda sad to say that this tourny did not turn out the way I thought it would.

Too many people not online when they need to be and such. 


There are 2 choices that I will request from each and everyone of you.


Should this Tournament be Cancelled?


Respond in the Poll, Many of you didn't even have a shot at the tournament and it ended up being a "Heads or Tails" Game in the end.

This was not the Tournament I had in mind when I made the Poll to see who was interested.


If you want the Tournament to Continue on,


Gamer and Kit. You've had your shot. One of you is out, and it's Kit (I flipped a coin).


Sorry to do this to you Lightflare and Ky, but LightFlare continues on (I gave you the same chance Gamer and Kit had.)


So the matches now will be,


Ky vs Kamau


Alp vs Gamer


LightFlare vs Brucelee


This is however if you want to continue the Tournament.

If the Tournament is canceled then there will be no winner and no prize will be given. Fear not, The Prize will still be here, but I'll find another way to distribute it. Maybe fund Bruce's Tournament, or Stir Up another shin dig, but in short the Prize is still up for grabs regardless if this tournament continues or not.

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This tourney has been more defaults than actual fights.  In all honesty, for anyone who was playing to really fight in this thing or win a prize, that feels like being cheated of a real challenge. I say we cancel this tourney, but for anyone who wishes to finish their matches, they go ahead and fight and post their matches. Alp has been demanding a match. Light barely got to fight. And Ky and Kamau are both pretty much blood knights of sorts.


The prize should be moved. I don't care where. I can be my tourney where only more active members can fight, or a different occasion. I makes no difference.


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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This tourney has been more defaults than actual fights. In all honesty, for anyone who was playing to really fight in this thing or win a prize, that feels like being cheated of a real challenge. I say we cancel this tourney, but for anyone who wishes to finish their matches, they go ahead and fight and post their matches. Alp has been demanding a match. Light barely got to fight. And Ky and Kamau are both pretty much blood knights of sorts.

The prize should be moved. I don't care where. I can be my tourney where only more active members can fight, or a different occasion. I makes no difference.

My time on my computer is kinda limited lately. I'm usually in my smartphone. But I'm ready at the time of this post. Me and Bruce have sparred before. It was obvious who was ready...and who wasn't. But I hope to change that. I have to prove that I deserve to advance. Bruce...

Posted ImageVSPosted Image



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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ok back up a bit.  bruce i was there waiting for my match for days and you know it.  Light showed up on saturday I MSGED HIM AND WAIT FOR HIM IN THE ROOM AND HE NEVER SHOWS UP HE JUST STAYED THERE TALKING WITH BRUCE AND THE GUYS AND THEN OUT OF THE BLUE HE LEAVES.  and now I GET PUNISHED FOR THAT?!

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ok back up a bit.  bruce i was there waiting for my match for days and you know it.  Light showed up on saturday I MSGED HIM AND WAIT FOR HIM IN THE ROOM AND HE NEVER SHOWS UP HE JUST STAYED THERE TALKING WITH BRUCE AND THE GUYS AND THEN OUT OF THE BLUE HE LEAVES.  and now I GET PUNISHED FOR THAT?!

Ky, I am aware you were there and he up and left. If this was still even official at this point, this would be a fucked up call and we would have to redo. But at this point it isn't in all reality.


The tourney was rigged to mess up from the start because we did not consider so many people would not show up. Personally, I suggest we wait until a new tourney starts with a rule stating that you must know that you have the time for the matches. If not, say you are not able to fight and face disqualification with grace. That's what I think


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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It should also be mentioned that Light has a busted controller, and thus in no real condition to play. He should wait until his controller is either fixed properly or replaced before fighting once more. It's not really fair to the opponents if they are forced to wait more than needed in all honesty


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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He couldn't get his controller to work so that's a no-go for now. He suggests postponing this tourney

Not going to post pone this Tourney, but I am willing to cancel this and start a new.


The matches continue regardless. If you all want this to continue longer than I expected.

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