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Yu Narukami WIP


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Okay dont freakout. this is a VERY early Wip post but i figured id make it anyway.Truth is this is my first character that im attempting to make so the real reason behind this "WIP" post is to get help along the way without flooding the "Mugen Help" section. As of now I have done very little and am still learning the art of coding so BEAR with me here. This character may never get released but i will try my best to learn and expiriment with mugen along the way. I need all the help i can get so ANY SINGLE BIT of feedback/ Help/ Ideas are welcomed. Now without further adieu i will post what has been done and my ideas.


First off this character will not be source accurate so yeah start bitching (or cheering?)


This is not guranteed but Ive had ideas like a hold start mode to get a version of Yu with his Izanagi-no-Okami persona by usng the Izanagi sprites with the Izanagi-no-Okami colorscheme and skill list from Persona 4. This version would be a bit more of a boss char type with things not from either of the games like maybe power charge, parry things like that. He would also not only use sprites from just Yu but the Garu skill sprites from Yousuke Agi skill sprites from Yukiko and so on.


What will for sure be in the character is the following:

Things staying from arena:

Run, Backdash, Double Jump, Air dash Back and Forward, roll, Basic attacks, supers, specials, use of persona, insta kill, AOA, Burst

Things removed from arena:

Auto combo, Hitbox/priorty fixes. maybe 1 more burst unless i can learn how to properly do it.


The persona will work kinda like in the game. the persona wont be able to be used unless you have sp (Super meter) like in persona 4. So odds are you will start off with super at the start of the round and will be able to have a large max amount. (EX. the Demi-fiend mugen char can hold up to 9 meters of super and can only do certain moves with a certain amount of meter)


Burst will cost half the max amount of stock so when the number is decided i will post the exact number. ( ex. if i decide the max will be 10 then it will cost 5 to burst if its 8 it will be 4 etc)


Whats done:

I had started this character back in January. at the time he had all his basics with and airdash and back dash added. but at the time i had him play a bit more source accurate. he had the autocombo from mashing theattack button 5 times. What was done doesnt matter though because those files are long gone.

Current percet

.0001% / 100%


Anyway, thanks for reading this. I will post more when i have more to post. Like i said dont get your hopes to high. With the right amout of help im sure this will get released eventually. The main thing is that this will be a learning experience for me. Please feel free to post anything at all related to this. I will be posting problems, ideas, changes, etc i have later on. Also this isnt a late April Fools :P


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I wanna ask you if you're still working at this one.

Yes. Slowly but surley. I have most the basics done (Walk crouch jump etc)but just now starting with the coding so might be a while until i can post something new. still reading the docs too so im doing a little here and there. :)


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Yes. Slowly but surley. I have most the basics done (Walk crouch jump etc)but just now starting with the coding so might be a while until i can post something new. still reading the docs too so im doing a little here and there. :)

Well, if are still working on the characters it's good! I can't wait to see the result.


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You know. You can use my characters as template right? Well, try your best anyways. Hope to see something good come out of this.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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