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Platinum the Trinity


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Yup, you read it right, Platinum is in the works.

Though there is still quite a bit to be done, I've made some good progress thus far.

I'll be updating regularly to show what's complete so far (at the least, the major points).



Welp, decided to post video updates rather than photos to save time and such.


Update 2: 




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Thanks for the encouragement, so far, I'm gettin' the hang of a lot of the content. 

The real challenge (at least in my opinion) is making the states for her misc weapons.

I'm not too sure if that's the right wording, but, yeah.

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Though it's not a very big update, I found some time today to put some more work into Platinum. 

Y'know, develop the character, learn some new coding. The works.


And XStarter, you were right about coding bein' humorous.

my signature was to long so it was deleted

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