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Posts posted by CoolAnimeHustler

  1. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 68th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! I Wanted To Make Another City Railway/Subway Stage For All Of You Cool MUGEN Fans Out There! Looking Back At The 6th Stage That I Created (Japan Railway Station), I Wanted To Create A Second Railway Station! The First Railway Station Happens Outside But This Time It's Inside A Building! I Also Added Some Reflection On The Ground And For Good Measure I Even Added A Super Jump For All You MVC Users Out There! All And All, I Love How This Stage Turned Out! If You Have The MVC Character Called Gambit...I'm Just Going To Tell Ya...He's Going To Be Jumping All Around On This Stage! LOL! (Depending On His AI, Of Course). Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  2. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- OH SNAP!! What A Beautiful And And Stunning Stage! I Got To Get This Madd Flavor Stage ASAP! LOL! Awesome Job On This Stage LightFlare_Da_Realest! Shouts Outs To Kirokaze And Doppleganger  For Their Awesome Creativity On This Stage As Well! Keep Up The Great Work Guys! This Summer Is Looking Great So Far! LOL! ^_^

  3. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 67th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! MFFA Is Back Up Again! YAY! ^_^ Yesterday, I Wanted To Create Another City Theme Stage And I Was Inspired Of The Midnight City Life! Because City Themes Are Best Themes! LOL! I've Walked Around A City At Midnight Before! It Can Be Eerie But At The Same Time Fascinating When You See The Glowing Neon Signs From Businesses Reflect On The City Streets! Also At This Time, You Do See A Lot Of People Hanging Out And Having A Good Time! With This In Mind, I Did Add A Group Of People On The Left Side Of The Stage Spectating The Fight That's Unfolding! I Made This A Normal Stage And As Always, Messed With The Bounds And Tensions! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out!  If You Do Hang Out At Midnight In The Hustle And Bustle Of The City, Stay Safe And Look Around Your Surroundings, And Try To Hang Around Places That Are Populated Or That You Know Very Well! Just Had To Make My Public Service Announcement, Yo! ^_^ Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  4. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 66th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today, I Was Inspired To Create Another Tennis Stage! I Wanted To Create A Tennis Practice Stage! But Not Just Any Practice Tennis Stage...No No...I Wanted To Create A High Class Practice Tennis Stage For The Rich And Famous That Has Bodyguards and All The Milkshakes You Can Drink! I Wanted To Give This Type Of Atmosphere In This Stage! I Also Wanted To Create A Stage For The Upper Class Fighters Such As Dudley, Karin and Many Others That Got That...Class In Fighting Games! LOL! I Made This A Basic Stage But I Did Mess With The Tensions and Bounds A Little Bit! I Also Looked Up Some Information About Rich Tennis Athletes And I Read That A Lot Of Tennis Athletes Spend Some Major Bucks For Their Training Sessions, Clothing, Memberships, And Gear! Unfortunately...I Didn't Find Any High Price Milkshakes In Their Memberships...I Just Added That In The Stage For Fun! LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  5. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 65th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! You Know...I Have A Old Box Television From The Early 2000's And I Noticed That It's Been Collecting A Little Dust! To Show My Old Electronic Some Love, I Decided To Wipe It Down To Make It Pretty Awesome Again! Looking At My Television A Little Bit, I Realized That The Age Of Television Is Becoming Obsolete! Even When I Take Out The Garbage, I Noticed Some Boxed Televisions On The Sides Of Trash Cans And Dumpsters! Even Though Our Computer Monitors Are Becoming The Norm When It Comes To Watching Of Shows In General, I Decided To Pay Tribute To The Boxed Televisions! I Decided To Create A Parody Retail Store Stage For It! I Even Added Some Interested Buyers and Enthusiasts In The Stage For Good Measure! LOL! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! I'm Going To Call This Stage "Televisions For Less Warehouse". Holla, Holla, And Buy A Television For A Dolla! Who Needs HD When You Can Have The Basics Of All Basics! Get It Now!! At Televisions For Less Warehouse For One Dolla Dolla! LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  6. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 64th Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Welp...I'm Having Trouble Falling Asleep So I Decided To Create Another Stage For Yall In The Early Morn, Yo! That's Right, I Finally Finished My 64th MUGEN Stage For The MUGEN Engine! Looking Back At The 11th MUGEN Stage That I Created (Japan Subway Station), I Decided To Create Another City Themed Subway Station For Your MUGEN! I Made This A Normal Stage But I Added Reflection And Messed With The Tensions And Bounds A Little Bit! We Need More Subway Stations In MUGEN And I'm Happy To Fill That Void, Yo! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! Enjoy Another City Theme Based Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  7. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 63rd Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today, I Woke Up Early In The Morning And Took A Walk Around My Town/City! Man...It's So Vacant On A Sunday And I Thought...."Maybe I'll Make Another Early Morning Stage". So...Without Further Delay...I Made A Early Morning Stage For Yall! There's Stairs And Pillars On Each Side That Gives This Stage A Nice Touch! I Even Added A Super Jump To The Stage And Made The Stage Really Wide! I Really Love How This Stage Turned Out! I'm Going To Call This Stage "Early Morning Downtown Walk". I Tried To Get This Stage Out To All Of Yall And I Made It With Only One Minute Left On Sunday! LOL! Enjoy Another City Theme Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  8. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 62nd Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Today I Walked To The Grocery Store To Look Around And I Happened To Stumble On The Greatest Section That Exist At A Grocery Store...THE CANDY ISLE! LOL! Looking At The Candy Section And Seeing People Pick Up A Bad Of Chocolates, Gummi Bears, And Other Sweets, I Was Inspired To Create A Candy Stage For All Of You Cool Awesome Mugenites, Yo! I Also Wanted To Try And Create Another Fantasy Stage In Which Your Fighters Can Fight For This Great Prime Real Estate Of...Uhhh...Candy! LOL! I Also Added Some Fighters In The Background Having Fun Since This Is Kind Of A Frilly Stage But  I Think It's Cool! All In All, I Made This A Normal Stage And Messed With The Bounds And Tensions A Little Bit For A Okay Jump! I Love How This Stage Turned Out! Man...Looking At All This Candy...That's It! I'm Going To Get Some Chocolate Malts! Yum, Yum, Yum, Yums! LOL! Enjoy Another Fantasy Themed Stage For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



  9. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Awesome Stage! It's Like The Final Battle Scene In A Cyberpunk Movie! In A Way,  The Scenery Kind Of Reminds Me Of The Game "Syndicate" From The PS3! It's A Cool Game, Yo! As Always, Magnificent Work On This Stage, LightFlare_Da_Realest! ^_^ 

  10. ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yo, What's Up MFFA Fam! It's The CoolAnimeHustler, Bringing My 61st Stage That I Created Into The Mugen World! Not Going To Lie...I've Been Focusing A Lot On City Theme Stages But...This Time... I Decided To Make A Great Outdoor Type Stage Far Away From The Hustle And Bustle Of The City! I Wanted To Make A Stage In Which Fighters Can Go And Test Their Skills With Each Other In A Field Covered With Evergreen Trees, Mumbling Water, And The Height Of Mountains! This Theme Gives You The Feel In Which Their Own Training Moment Will Help Fighters Improve On Their Skills And Techniques! In A Way, I Was Inspired To Create This Stage By Looking At Training Montages Such As Dragonball, Rocky, And The Karate Kid! I've Made This Stage Pretty Spread Out And Added A Super Jump For Good Measure, Yo! All In All, I Love How This Stage Turned Out! Also, Public Service Announcement, If You Do Go Out In The Great Outdoors In Real Life, Make Sure You Bring Some Bug Repellent! You're Going To Need It To Keep Some Harmful Bugs From Biting You, Yo! ^_^ Enjoy Another Country Style Theme For Your Fighters! You Can Find My Stages On My Blog, Yo! Look Under The Category Called (CAH's Mugen Works Of Awesome ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”). Have Fun and Caring Is Sharing! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”



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