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Everything posted by JokerintheButt

  1. edit = requests complet no one have it.
  2. I Knew what is Gta man im not an Idiot i have playing this game since in 2007 I said that because im a big fan of the Serie. No
  3. haha xD i remember watching the kof98 live action it's was so damn funny.
  4. the one i search is made by J-Hoax but the link of the character is down and I forget where exactly I have find the release of the creator But im pretty sure someone have it because i found this picture at MFG but don't worry bud if you don't have it just let luck to other.
  5. that's what i think too. so just download carlos.zip and start do a red pallet for him boom you have making a Gabe. XD
  6. i just noticed your atari dragon is very Similar to djhannibalroyce's characters
  7. for goku ssj4 it's so easy cuz you need just to delete something like ''-Z''
  8. i have the password of super vegetto and goku ssj4 by sheld.
  9. hi guys im looking for an 1.0 version of this goku i find a mediafire link but he is down
  10. JokerintheButt


    Click it and get a thing.
  11. Best: - have a dream to making a mugen character which he plays exactly in the game. - have fun with wtf mugen characters. - Kick ass to Crappy characters. - have Ideas for Stages Making. Worst: - Bugs and crash. - The Annoying Errors of mugen. - Brokens link when i try to download a character. - unavailable character. - When members try to being Asshole. [it's simply a mugen community dammit] - When people start a war in characters thread about Bad or good characters (the same opinion of sham) - Hypocrisie in mugen forum's.
  12. i have been waiting longtime for the release of this great game so much thanks buddy. ;)
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