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Posts posted by JokerintheButt

  1. mugen003.png

    I run out of ideas of what to add so i may release it later this stage tomorrow

    -Animated Lights (those green orbs that may make a bit bigger later)

    -Animated Sun Rays.

    -Animated Smoke on the BG (thx Swordman-Kai)

    -Dust/Fog tile with Sin.y and Sin.X to face out animations.

    -Sky with velocity and deltas.

    -Anti-Aliased BG and Front Layers.


    Very simple but oh well guess it works for now -_-

    Maybe add some birds from the Big Bang Beat rips dunno.

    WoW this stage is Awesome. :o

  2. you just said SHE then HIS.

    regardless they are 2 different people.

    How Do I know? Because I know, i've talked to them both, and the results are different.



    ok ok excuse me if I have made some spelling errors I'm just trying to explain that Cvs Artist and Chuchoryu are not the same person that's all. U_U

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