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Posts posted by JokerintheButt

  1. mugen015.png


    because we celebrate batman's brithday,
    i thought it would be cool to release this edit from "destroy the car" bonus from street fighter,
    i just made a spriteswap spriting the batmobile from the 60's using Samus Aran 78's Car bonus stage update by Pioupiou.
    you can now destroy this one and make alfred cry.   
    on a side note i plan to release another car to destroy in my full game, so once again all feedback is welcome to make this better .
    Thanks for reading and enjoy.  Very Happy. BAT
  2. pic10.png

    From The Thread.

    So what's the difference? His amazing Beardstache is back!

    The Beard and Moustache have each their own colour seperation so that you can give him either a moustache, a beard, both or none!

    In this pack is also a collection of Palettes based on his different incarnations raning from:

    MGS1 Snake "Shadow Moses"
    MGS2 Snake "Big Shell"
    MGS3 Snake "Naked Snake"
    MGS4 Snake "Old Snake"
    Old Snake with young Snake Camo
    Banana Suit Snake
    SSBB Snake
    MGA2 Snake "Acid Snake"
    Metal Gear Gameboy Snake "Ghost Babel"
    Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake Snake (hurpdurr)
    Metal Gear 1 Snake

    Hope this'll bring forth a lot of new potential for palettes makers


  3. for the Moment I finished rip all the sprites of him and coding some of Moves, He is still 50% so I don't have much time to Finish it then the character is going a little slow. Here a shotscreen in mugen world.





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