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Posts posted by Kanbei

  1. of course american fans don't matter, remember all of those exclusive japanese games?

    (that never get ported to america)

    How don't we matter? If I remeber correctly we cried out to Nintendo to give us the three cool RPGs form japan. They where Pandora's Tower, Last Story, and Xenoblade, did we get all three? Yes. Where they dubbed english? Yes. Did It have english voice acting? Yes briitsh but I'll take it over Japanese dub anyday. So do some reasearch before saying games that never got ported. Some get ported, some don't. Many reasons could be there not a big enough hit or not selling well in japan so why lose more money to the west?

  2. A select few (in Japan) got the FULL GAME early (dont ask me how)

    The streetdate was broken do you know what that menas? It means some stores released the games earlier then the offical release.


    Also not to be a pain in the ass but does anyone have a demo code? I would want one (I have a NA 3ds.)

  3. Good news sweetfire!!!




    Pic of the day. "No, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life!" Demon Lord Ghirahim makes an appearance in Smash Bros!! He's an Assist Trophy, so he could conceivably back up Link, too.

    Ganondorf is coming back bros don't worry.

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