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PeeJay Bonobo

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Posts posted by PeeJay Bonobo

  1. PJ MUGEN Ver. 2.8 has been updated with the following changes:

    - Modified all FNT V1 fonts to workaround a scaling bug with IKEMEN GO (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Adjusted velocities of character select screen aassets to gain the effect I was going for in the first place
    - Updated IKEMEN GO version to 0.95.4 (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Added color change to lifebars (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Implemented "red bar" system (applies only to Tag mode)(IKEMEN GO Only)
    - adjusted KO slow speeds and timings (IKEMEN GO Only)
    - Fixed win count positioning
    - Default hitsparks and hitsounds!
    - Remade combo font to display damage percentage (IKEMEN GO Only)


    Additional screeenshots and video have been added and all four links have been updated.




    I originally wanted to make something I can just slap in IKEMEN GO and edit accordingly, so I didn't exactly go all out at first. It combines elements from earlier screenpacks and erased works in progress I had going on.


    Video that shows all the juicy bits (IKEMEN GO starts at 0:11, MUGEN 1.0 starts at 9:02)



    Character Select Screen (42 Slots, video does not cover this)(MUGEN 1.0)


    Character Select Screen (42 Slots, video does not cover this)(IKEMEN GO)


    -A few things I need to get out of the way-
    1. I am fully aware that 960x720 isn't a standardized size, but I am also fully aware that I am not the first person to make screnpacks or lifebars for that specific resolution (shoutout to Devon).
    2. No, I won't reduce it to 640x480. There are ways around it that will actually let you do that (Though that kind of only applies to MUGEN 1.1).
    3. Because of the native resolution of both the screnpack and lifebars, it would make no sense whatsoever to port to WinMUGEN without downscaling all assets.

    -Known Issues-

    1. 8-Player shenanigans have been untested, sadly (IKEMEN GO Only)
    2. There may be issues with the mid-fight announcer code. Please report if you find any! (IKEMEN GO only)
    3. IKEMEN GO 0.98.2 does NOT come with a Linux (x64) executable, so I decided to provide one that I compiled myself. I cannot guarantee that it will work with every configuration.

    -Download (MUGEN 1.0)-
    MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/eVcw0RwR#UVevvv6wP0bUlLSYE-ExQte7Zr3EDVLGv5T4KN37v1E

    Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q7futz4yx7xxos3/PJ_MUGEN_Version_2.8_%2528MUGEN_1.0%2529%25283-6-2022%2529.7z/file

    -Download (IKEMEN GO)-
    MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/uVcwVLLR#rTvhx9rdGH5nQTBrD2ZFPIVxWT2wGVtjyasaKl1FijY

    Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e8d47d4lc41ll3f/PJ_MUGEN_Version_2.8_%2528IKEMEN_GO%2529%25283-6-2022%2529.7z/file

    -Install (MUGEN 1.0)-
    Simply extract the contents of the 7z file into your MUGEN folder and edit mugen.cfg for motif to read "data/PJMUGEN2.8SP/system42.def" or "data/PJMUGEN2.8SP/system414.def" according to how many slots you want. It comes with its own select.def in that same folder (*mugen folder*/data/PJMUGEN2.8SP) where you can add your characters and stages.

    -Install (IKEMEN GO)(This assumes you have already downloaded and installed IKEMEN GO 0.98.2 or higher)-

    Simply extract the contents of the 7z file in your IKEMEN GO, open the extracted folder, add characters and stages to the roster (referring to data/pjm28/select.def) the same as you would with WinMugen and up, and play. You have a 42-slot (system42.def) and a 414-slot (system414.def) option. Please edit save/config.json accordingly as the default is the 42-slot option.


    March 6, 2022

    - Made slight edits to all storyboards (both)
    - Rearranged options menu features (also removed the option to use Quick Continue even though it's still enabled by default)(IKEMEN GO only)
    - While I'm not sure this was implemented in the previous release, Turns mode now has a one-member minimum as opposed to a two-member minimum (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Hitting F12 now saves screenshots to <IKEMEN GO folder>/save/screenshot (IKEMEN GO only, duh)
    - 1000+-slot version removed in favor of a 414-slot and 42-slot version. (both)
    - Character Select highlight cell icons have been redesigned (both)
    - Added character standing animations on top of default portraits (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Vs. screen has been modified to allow order select (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Custom KO announcement coding! (though this was due to forced hand)(IKEMEN GO only)
    - Score (based on default score.zss)(IKEMEN GO only)
    - Windowed portrait areas in both Winquote and Character select screens (Screw you P.o.t.S, Solarflared and anyone else who like to bust out 9001x120 portraits for 9000,2)(both)
    - Camera panning (modifiable via system69config.txt). Can disable completely, enable it for advantage/final round, or enable it for every round. May look into zooming again for the next release (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Fixed Main Menu and Character Select screen music looping (Screw you, OpenAL!)(IKEMEN GO only)
    - I'm not even sure if this is everything! (both)

    July 16, 2020

    - Modified all FNT V1 fonts to workaround a scaling bug with IKEMEN GO (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Adjusted velocities of character select screen aassets to gain the effect I was going for in the first place
    - Updated IKEMEN GO version to 0.95.4 (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Added color change to lifebars (IKEMEN GO only)
    - Implemented "red bar" system (applies only to Tag mode)(IKEMEN GO Only)
    - adjusted KO slow speeds and timings (IKEMEN GO Only)
    - Fixed win count positioning
    - Default hitsparks and hitsounds!
    - Remade combo font to display damage percentage (IKEMEN GO Only)

    March 22, 2020
    - Inital Release

    As usual, feedback is appreciated.

  3. l4x5rauh.ldr.png







    [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zrCY-EfDVM]October 11, 2015 showcase, slight changes and additions have happened since then...


    [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OnSZ82M4oo]The Lifebars as they are today


    After three tries at making these lifebars, I have finally released the S4 League lifebars for MUGEN 1.1. Since I know I'm going to get those complaints, I'm gonna just throw some things out right now:
    1. No 640x480 version will be planned, but if you want, you can try to convert them to the standard 4:3 aspect ratio.
    2. No MUGEN 1.0/WinMUGEN downgrade will be planned, but if you want, you can try to convert them to those outdated engines.


    Mega Link
    Mediafire Link


    Install: Simply extract all contents of the rar file to your MUGEN folder, open up the system.def that you're using with NotePad or NotePad++, and redirect "fight" to data/S4League/fight.def or if you have characters and stages set for the 426 width, data/S4League/fightwide.def. Either way, you will have to provide your own common.snd and fightfx files as these lifebars do not come with either (common.snd will be available with the next update, but I do not have any plans for fightfx files).


    Interchangeable Stuff: In fight.def or fightwide.def, the first thing you'll read is that you get to choose between two SFF files for the lifebars (both are color swaps, anyway): AlphavBeta (S4_AvB.sff), which has Teamside 1 representing green and Teamside 2 representing red; and Source-accurate (S4_Source.sff), which is based on the source game. You also have choices between KO announcements. See the "[Round]" section in fight.def or fightwide.def for instructions.


    January 13, 2016
    - Initial Release (Finally!)


    As usual, I would appreciate some feedback.

  4. I'm gonna try to make this as quick as possible.


    I'm PeeJay Bonobo. You may know me from YouTube, Steam, probably Miiverse, or some of the MUGEN content I have already contributed to the community (PJ MUGEN Ver. 2.0/2.5, Pokémon Type:Wild Beta 5.3 Arrange, Outside Space Colony ARK). I'm mainly here to announce my creations the same way I normally would in the MUGEN Fighters Guild, but if I want anything from this site, I'll be sure to hit you guys up.

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