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Everything posted by StrongestPotato

  1. OOC: shit...eitherways, we could use both your and my way for this, he after all didn't harm Yoku, Trinitro or Yo-Yo
  2. yep, he's retaliating, he'll render the Unlimited Force defenseless, then retreat, but badly wounded)
  3. as long as you don't pull a Deus Ex Machina, yes (with the team rendered all useless, minus Mantenna, comically this was the aftermath) Eeeeeh.....FORFEIT!!!!!! (swings a white flag at the team, grabs the unconcious Neo, Deathstroke and Dark Zagi and hops back at the Airship, comically leaving ZTAR behind)
  4. let's just say that she was hiding in a box, for some reason, when she heard the advice
  5. only Deadpool and Ruby were staring at the eye, Haruna wasn't even part of the scene until right now, and even if she heard, she wouldn't be fast enough to change her clothing and run with a chainsaw all without looking suspicious in the slightest,
  6. ooc: Haruna wasn't there when the advice was given. right? then how did she found out!?
  7. ???: as you wish darling... (another figure walked in) Zagi's the name, Dark Zagi to you... (another eye that's exactly the same as the one Deadpool encounters stretches out) Hey! prepare yourselves TO PERISH! (stretches his eyes back) you are now in our territory and getting rid of you all will be easy (something descends from the skies) Alas, poor Wizrock, I knew you well, until you died, and I see you bought fr- HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY ARE YOU HYPED FOR TWILIGHT 6: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO????? I HATE my double personality
  8. YOU GOT IT! (flies for then, drags them by the hair, both them and Blake)
  9. a and we'll be waiting for you! what was that eye's deal? and it does concern us who it is, and what his beef against us is
  10. WHUHWHA!?!?!?! (unsheathes katanas) COME AT ME!!! WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?....Ruby, cut that eye apart (before she can swing her Crescent Rose, the eye retreats)
  11. oh, nothing Ruby, just staring at this magic eye that floats....it almost mesmerizes me....
  12. ???: 'tis ok-MY EYE!!!!!! ???: you said you wouldn't whine! ???: NO ONE TOLD ME CRAZY GLUE WAS THIS PAINFUL!
  13. ???: yeah your screams sounds like the cries of a cat being run over by a lawnmower ???: HEY! ...just do your thing
  14. ???: she always does, if it wasn't for your dark magic knowledge you'd be useless ???: now, can we just deliver the message? my eye's ready for pain
  15. ???: (lowers his eye back) WHAT!?.....are you sadistic or what!?!?!?!?? ???: no, we're doing what is best for the cause, now shut your whiny mouth or we throw you back to the place we found you ???: ....you...you wouldn't do that ???: wanna bet? ???: NO! I will let myself suffer for the cause...as long as you quit acting like psychos! ???: we're not psychos we're just doin-HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!! ANYONE UP FOR ANOTHER FINEBROS VIDEO!?!?! ....I hate my double personality
  16. ???: I'm doing my best guys! it would be easier if one of my eyes wasn't taped to your dang communicator ???: Your best!? my ass is doing your best, you have just whined all day long
  17. (keeps staring at the eye) .....hmmmm....I wonder.....does this thing speak? it could be the key to a treasure or somethin'
  18. agreed, so we're gathering forces to stop Medusa's army, right?
  19. OW! I think the edge of your comment slit my finger, no seriously, that is the edgiest thing I've ever seen since Shadow
  20. OOC: nope, not even close, I'm waiting for TDX so this part can happen
  21. yes, we should back away slowly, now what was all this chit-chat about Iblis possibly returning? I and Silver destroyed Solaris way back don't you know? (while the gang's on that, he notices an eye peeking from outside the castle, the eye seems to have stretched itself all the way from another location) huh? oh hey there little eye guy, who are you? (looks at it) ....guys guys! look at this eye!
  22. (from the same portal Silver came from, another being arrives) (arrives, holding a third emerald) Silver! have you found the Iblis trigger yet!? what the...another humanoid animal!? you shouldn't be surprised, you're a talking rock with a wizard hat
  23. ´kay, but Silver ain't being alone, remember I took dibs on some Sanic chars?
  24. SILVER, HUH? I HOPE THAT YOU HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT'S THAT MIRROR? MISTER FUYIHIKO AND HIS FRIEND PEKO HAVE REPORTED IT SPEAKING, IS IT POSSIBLE THAT A BEING COULD BE TRAPPED INSIDE? there is a chance, notice the gem on its back, it could be one of those "Crystal Gems" a race of humanoid rocks that assume female bodies...altough I'm sure all went extinct some millions ago
  25. (pulls Ruby back to realistic proportions) don't thank me Hey girls, want to share room? like back in Beacon? count me in! Blake, Ruby, what do you say?
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