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Posts posted by -Whiplash-

  1. Hey guys, I've been working Raditz (in MVC1 style) and He's done.

    I think I did a decent job Emulating MVC1 and also making raditz fun to play!
    If you find any bugs let me know!


     z2idD96.png8eAfRKo.png  ukXg1A1.pngLJKLTNc.pngUPPcsyc.png



    Basic movement and attacks
    Basic attacks, punches on top, kicks on bottom.
    F,F or 2 Punches (Air OK) - Dash forward
    Raditz Flies forward a bit.
    B,B or B + 2 Punches (Air OK) - Dash Backward.
    Raditz Flies back a bit.
    D,U or 2 Kicks - Super Jump
    Hold F or B while lying down - Recovery Roll
    Raditz gets up while moving in the direct held.
    (F/B)+(K/P) - Grab (must be close to Player 2) (Kick version is Air OK)
    The punch Grab is a rapid punch that ends by knocking the oppoennt away.
    The Kick Grab raditz stomps opponent into the ground and grinds them under his heel, leaving them on the ground.
    F+LK - Knee
    Raditz Does a jumping Knee forwards, good to get closer to the opponet.
    D+HP (Air ONLY) - Dive Punch
    Raditz Dives downwards and slams into the ground. Knocks the opponent down if it hits them in the air.
    D+HP or HK - Launcher
    Crouching HP version knocks the opponent straight up.
    HK version knocks them a bit lower and a bit more forward.
    D+MP - Trip
    Raditz Sweeps the opponent with his hand.
    D+HK - Knock Back Kick
    Raditz Kicks the opponent far away, good to for getting the opponent off you.
    HP - Ki Blast
    Raditz Fires a Generic Ki Blast (Fireball) From his hand. Can be mashed fo up to 4 blasts.

    Special Moves
    D, D, + Punch - Ki Charge
    Raditz Charges his Ki (Power) This is used to perform Hyper moves.
    D, DF, F + Punch (air OK) - Saturday Crush
    A Basic Projectil, Projectile moves faster depending on the button pressed, but start up and cooldown is longer as a trade of.
    In the Air, it fires diagonally downwards.
    D, DF, F + Kick (Air OK) - Dynamite monday
    Raditz Dashs towards the enemy.
     -> LK or LP from Dynamite monday - cancel
    This cancels the dash early.
     -> MK or MP from Dynamite monday - Tuesday Bash
    Raditz Teleports behind the enemy and Elbows them in back. Good to mix-up the opponent.
     -> HK or HP from Dynamite monday - Wednesday Special
    Raditz Shoots a finger laser at the opponent Long range and comes out quick.
    F, D, DF + Kick - Black Monday (Air OK)
    Raditz Dashes Diagonally upwards instead of Forward.
     -> LK or LP from Black Monday - cancel
    This cancels the dash early.
     -> MK or MP from Black Monday- Thursday Crash
    Raditz Stomp downward to do his Kick Grab on the opponent. This hits high.
     -> HK or HP from Black Monday- Weekly Special
    Raditz Fires an electric Ki Blast and a shallow angle downwards, This comes out very fast.
    If you perform Dyanmite Monday in the air you get the Black monday follow-ups instead of the normal ones.
    All Follow ups to the "Monday" Moves can be done at the very end of the move by holding the required button.
    Hyper Moves
    D, DF, F + 2 Punches - Shining Friday
    Raditz Charged up an electric blast That if it comes in contact with the oppoonent, will trap them inside for a few hits.
    D, DF, F + 2 Punches (air Only) - Double Sunday
    Raditz Fires two large beam projectiles downwards at a steep angle.
    D, DF, F + 2 Kicks - Exciting Year (Level 3)
    Radtiz Dashes forward at the opponent. If it hits, He does an combo that ends with him stomping on the opponent and blasting them into the ground.
    F, DF, D + 2 Punches During Block - Alpha Counter
    Raditz Teleports behind the opponent and Elbows them in the back.



    There's a half-assed Palette template included in the zip, if you make any palettes there let me know, and I'll add them.
    This will probably be the last character I make for a while. I'm gonna start working on MVCVS again.
  2. So this is an edit of Sakura's House from SFA2... with SFA3's Desolate Playground stage added to it.
    I got lots of help from OldGamer (he basically coded the whole thing) and some sprite assistance from 0megaturb0 (whose original stage this was edited from, but had no animation and wasn't done very well, hence this version).
    So, features:
    - Stage is LONG
    - Medium level super jump support
    - Animated


    Additional Screenshots:




  3. do you mean wait until the projectile is gone? because it looks like you can't do the attack again from itself, as there's no ctrl and you need ctrl to be able to do the attack.


    Try adding


    triggerall = numprojID(201) = 0


    that will make it so there can only be one of this projectile on the screen at a time. make sure to put the triggerall on top of all the other trippers.


    No the character can only have on of these projectile out at a time. Hope that helps.

  4. -Are you thinking of releasing your characters to the public outside of the game? We really need a good Cable.

    -Are you a big comic book fan?

    -What do you think is the hardest part of emulating an MvC esque system?

    -What are your thoughts on permission vs credit? That seems to be a big thing in Comic book Vs style communities nowadays.

    - Yes, but I'm not sure when. Maybe after this next update to make the characters more accurate with data and hitboxes from the game.

    - Yes. I've read over 5000 issues of comic books. I like DC more then marvel, but I like marvel too, my favorite characters are Deadpool and Booster Gold.

    - a lot of things need to use custom states to work correctly. other then that, nothing really.

    - I personally don't care if you use my stuff (code or sprites) as long you credit me. however, I'd respect the creator's wishes and ask to make sure.

  5. Is there anything you want to make that hasn't been made/ can't be made yet?

    A game starring characters from Hayate the combat butler. but there's no sprites.I would love to commission some if I ever get a good job.

    Where/What is this game you speak of? Link?

    Do you play any fighters "competitively"?

    Could you confidently say you could kick all our asses in mvc2, or rather your own game?(Basically are you good or nah, where does your confidence lie..)

    - Seriously? does no one know about my game at all? here.

    - No. there are no tournaments where I live, no competitive scene. I live in the country and have no car so there's absoloutly no way I can play anything competitively without spending a lot of money just to go to halifx. However, that said, I wouldn't play competitively anyway... I don't like it. I like playing as the characters I like for fun rather then playing whoever's top tier solely to win, which what competitive gaming is all about.

    - I could beat you guys at my own game, maybe. but MVC2, no way in hell, because of the controls of that game I can barely do anything at all. I'm alright at UMVC3 and MSH vs SF though. But I'm not super-good or anything. though in umvc3 I can 100% you with Akuma! (and maybe Shuma-Gorath). but regardless, I hit a massive skill cap because I have no one to play with that would force me to get better.

  6. LOL! got some question for ya:

    What made you join MFFA?

    Do you like playing shooter games like Gradius?

    Who your Main/Favorite Character in Mugen?

    - It's the second largest mugen forum, now that T is pretty dead and I want to get as much feedback on my game and characters as possible.


    - Yes, Grdius Gaiden and Gradius 5 are my favorite. I also like R-type, Darius, Thunder Cross and Xexex. But Gradius is my favorite. II've beaten all of them. I've parodius but I don't like is as much. Also, for some reason I'm not a fan of top down shooters like Touhou or 1942. also, it got me into Yugioh because some Grdius ships and bosses are cards.

    -This is kinda boring, but I'm a big fan of omega red and shuma gorath by cyanide. And captain commando by splode. Those three characters are my team in mvc2. I also use guile by kamekaze, Jill and venom by xcb, Blackheart by cyanide and mvc akuma by vyn.

    Bet you can guess what my favorite fight game series is!

  7. easy.

    In the attack's state:

    [State 1600,3]

    type = Changestate

    trigger1 = Command != "hold x"

    value = y


    WHere x is whatever button you want. and y is the state you want to go into


    Basically the attack stops when mugen does not detect the command.


    hold x BTW is:


    name = "hold x"

    command = /x

    time = 1


    Good luck.


  8. I've already asked this question and got solutions... here's how to make it so it doesn't move.


    here's about landing on the thing: (from that post onwards is about your move)



    This whole thing is kinda bullshit honestly.

  9. Facing = 1 for when you character is facing right.

    Facing = -1 for when your character is facing left.

    You could make it so that the explod's offset and facing are modified via of modifyexplod, like:

    [State 0, 1]

    type = ModifyExplod

    trigger1 = 1

    ID = 1106

    facing = ifelse(facing = 1,1,-1)

    pos = ifelse(facing = 1,x,x),0

    sprpriority = -1


    Where X is the posisition it should be at.


    I would personally use a helper like this (but only if the sword is present on every animation, which I think it should be?):



    ; Shield

    [Statedef 10000]

    type = A

    movetype = I

    physics = N

    anim = 9999

    sprpriority = 3



    [State 0, NotHitBy]

    type = NotHitBy

    trigger1 = 1

    value = SCA,AA,AP,AT

    time = -1

    ignorehitpause = 1


    [State 0, Turn]

    type = Turn

    trigger1 = parent, facing = 1

    trigger1 = facing != 1

    trigger2 = parent, facing = -1

    trigger2 = facing != -1

    ignorehitpause = 1


    [State 211, 0]

    type = VarSet

    trigger1 = time = 0

    v = 0

    value = parent, StateNo


    [State 211, 1]

    type = ChangeAnim

    trigger1 = AnimExist(parent, Anim + 10000)

    value = parent, Anim + 10000

    elem = Parent, AnimElemNo(0)


    [State 211, 2]

    type = BindToParent

    trigger1 = 1

    pos = 0, 0


    and it's activated at the start of the match in state -2

    Also you would need a var to detect if you were in a custom state so the sword would disappear on custom states or something. otherwise it'll look wonky when you get grabbed.

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