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Posts posted by ShinLucho

  1. After a couple months doing nothing with this dude, I decided to finish my first and maybe only completed char.


    Readme copy:


    Trunks EB by ShinLucho

    Trunks has a 3 buttons gameplay, 3 attacks and 2 extras -charge ki and zanzoken- He is not based on Extreme Butoden gameplay at all.

    If you want to contact me just send me a pm on MFFA or EMD


    x - Light attack
    y - Medium attack
    z - Strong attack
    a - Ki charge
    b - nothing :p:P
    c - Zanzoken
    s - Taunt


    Throw: (Near opponent) [F,B], z

    Ki Blast: D, DF, F, [x,y,z] (ground & air)
    Sword Rush: D, DB, B, [x,y,z]
    Ascending Kick: F, D, DF, [x,y,z]

    Burning Attack: D, DF, F, D, DF, F, [x,y,z] (-1000 power)
    Shining Sword: D, DB, B, D, DB, B, [x,y,z] (-1000 power)

    Dash: F, F
    Air Dash: F, F
    Recovery near ground: Any 2 attack (x+y, y+z, x+z)
    Counter: (While guarding) c (-1000 power)

    What is missing:
    - Heat Dome (super)
    - Fix scaling bugs


    PotS - code and fxs
    DivineWolf - code and fxs
    Cybaster - code and sfxs
    Choujin - code and fxs
    Buckus - code
    Seravy - code
    Ryon - fxs
    EGC - code and fxs
    RandomTalkingBrush - sound rip
    Ploaj - sprite rip
    Ky/Squirtle - small portrait and host


    - Counter added
    - AI added
    - Fixed minor bugs

    - New palettes
    - Ki Blast Air special move added
    - Ascending Kick special move added
    - Shining Sword Attack super move added














    Link broken cause copyright. You can download it from GitHub or from Mugen Archive.

  2. On 19/1/2016 at 11:22 PM, Sweets said:


    Ha funny but I just can't get my helper to appear  it just shows my exploding animation. So do you mind giving me a simple helper code?


    Your helper is already simple, it just need some fixs


    ;Projectile helper
    [statedef 222]
    type = A
    movetype= A
    physics = n
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 230
    sprpriority = 2
    velset = 0,1
    [State hitdef]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = !time
    attr = S, NP
    hitflag = maf
    animtype = Medium
    damage = 200,0
    guardflag = MA
    pausetime = 1,1
    sparkno = s1
    hitsound = s5,2
    guardsound = s6,0
    ground.type = high
    ground.slidetime = 0
    ground.hittime = 0
    ground.velocity = 0
    air.velocity = 0,0
    [State to exploding state]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = movecontact
    trigger2 = vel y > 0
    trigger2 = pos y > -vel y
    value = 223
    ;Exploding projectile
    [statedef 223]
    type = A
    movetype= A
    physics = n
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 240
    sprpriority = 2
    velset = 0,0


    [state safe pos ground]
    type = posset
    trigger1 = !time
    trigger1 = pos y > 0
    y = 0


    [State end]
    type = DestroySelf
    trigger1 = !animtime

  3. On 1/14/2016 at 4:54 PM, Sweets said:
    [state 222, 3]
    type = changestate 
    trigger1 = POS Y > -5 / VEL Y > -5
    value = 224

    I think this trigger is the one that doesn't work properly. It tries to resolve the condition pos y > 5, then divide it with vel y, and then check if the result is greater than -5. Its odd if you only want to check if the helper hit the ground.


    You can use

    trigger1 = pos y >= 0



    trigger1 = vel y > 0

    trigger1 = pos y > -vel y


    as alternative to that trigger. First one is simpler, but can allow the helper go below the ground very often. Second one is what I'm using and works pretty well, took it from here. Anyway, on state 224 you're resetting its pos y to 0, which is great because you're preventing it to go below ground.


    Keep in mind that multiple helpers are generated every tick on state 221.



    Edit: Or you can just replace / with && and it will work fine :P

  4. On 6/1/2016 at 6:13 PM, Doomguy said:

    I made a remix of Trunk's Willpower theme: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/1xqsxqp6atkpmdz/The_Hope_of_the_Future.mp3

    Maybe you can use it somehow?


    I can use it in a video as bgm.


    On 6/1/2016 at 7:09 PM, Squirtle said:

    I've also updated the hosting link on my site for your Trunks, Shin!



    Oh great. Thanks guys c:


    Also, finished the counter move.



  5. New beta added on first post.



    - New palettes
    - Ki Blast Air special move added
    - Ascending Kick special move added
    - Shining Sword Attack super move added


  6. Out of curiosity, after your finish with Trunks, do you plan on making any other DBZ:EB characters? (A decent SSG Goku would be nice)...

    Also, if you need any move ideas, I can send you some Xenoverse clips of Trunks' moveset, I have the game for Steam.

    One more thing, may I host your Trunks on my site? 

    I don't have any plan on other character, I'm looking to move to RPG Maker or keep working on an Unity project.

    About moves, maybe he misses a special but I have to look on sprites to see what I can do.

    And yeah, do what you want with him, I would like to see your site when you host him.

  7. Added download link on first post. There are some missing stuff listed on readme file but is playable, I uploaded him because don't have time to work on him at the moment and I wanted a backup :P

  8. I'm guessing that's "Finish Buster" or "Burning Attack"?

    If so, its suppose to be Yellow, so yes, please change the color :)

    Ups, I forgot to say which movement it is :P

    Yes, is Burning Attack, but I'm not sure what it's it actual color.

    Anyway, with yellow look like this:


    Some dust effects and done with burning attack's FXs.

  9. Needs a flash in his winpose so he reverts from SSJ seamlessly

    True, I will fix that.

    I wanna cringe because pots hitspsarks

    They look ok IMO, anyway, I could add a config.txt in order to change hitsparks easily.


    Thanks for the tips :)

  10. Yep, another DBZ EB WIP thread.
    Trunks has a 3 buttons gameplay, 3 attacks and 2 extras -charge ki and zanzoken-
    He misses some systems like recovery near ground, zero counter, and some launcher in order to do an aerial combo.
    Some supers I would like to add are Burning Attack (lvl1), Heat Dome (lvl2), and Shining Sword Attack (lvl3). Also an aerial one but not I'm not very sure.






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