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Everything posted by Xenomic

  1. Oh, well the captcha image is right up there in the image link I showed. It won't change until I refresh or anything. ^^;
  2. The image for...? The spritesheet or the captcha (which is already there)?
  3. That's because you have to hit that button at the bottom after putting in stuff for the captcha to appear. http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Screenshots/Untitled.jpg~original This is what I currently have right now. AFAIK, it won't change unless I refresh or something. And for some reason, I still can't post the image as an image on this forum...keeps giving me the "You cannot use that extension!" error or something >_>;
  4. Unless you can help me out on that front? I don't know how much you know about Japanese and all, or if you know anyone that can read the Captchas? The person that usually helps me out rarely gets on anymore, so I'm kinda stuck on that front. ^^;;
  5. I was going to give him a shock spritesheet that was done for his Succubus some time ago. I can't post on his blog because well...the captcha is in Japanese, and I don't have anyone on hand to translate it for me so I can post what I wanted to post. ^^;
  6. That's the thing, I'm not seeing his email there, unless I'm looking in the completely wrong place. : S
  7. Just a heads-up, Hetyo seems to be making a Tokiko now, and Akyuu is being heavily updated (she's got a loooooot of new stuff from what I've seen in the videos), so there's something to look forward to~
  8. Can anyone help me with contacting him? I cannot post anything on his blog, and I don't know his email to send him something for him to use. ^^;;
  9. Next up is the revamp of an old OLD shock that Aionios did a long time ago, and this time done by the Feria/Aionios pair! Daiyousei: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/117/e/6/electrocuted_daiyousei_gif_2_by_xenomic-d6364ff.gif http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Touhou/Daiyousei2.gif:original http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Touhou/Daiyousei3.gif:original http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/117/c/f/electrocuted_daiyousei_2_by_xenomic-d6364ig.png
  10. The shocks just keep on rolling out for the Touhous it seems~ This time from Feria & Aionios, it's Kogasa Tatara~ http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Touhou/KogasaTatara1.gif:original http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/114/9/f/electrocuted_kogasa_tatara_by_xenomic-d62wypa.png Note, the umbrella is the real Kogasa. The girl is just a spiritual extension of the umbrella. However, Aionios decided to just go with a skeleton for her anyways, whilst providing a comedic shock for the umbrella. What else would one do to a karakasa anyways? Do karakasas even have bones?? I mean, they are just umbrellas....huh. Remember kids! Umbrellas protect you against rain, but not against lightning in a thunderstorm! Use an umbrella responsibly! ALSO, BECAUSE IT WORKS SOMETIMES AND NOT OTHERS! I don't get you random error that says I can't use image extensions, yet lets me do it other times.
  11. Annnnnd in other news, Ryoga_RG has finished the Midnight Bliss for Mina Majikina! The only downside? It was taken from a spritesheet and not from any of the Minas in MUGEN, so the black part of her dress doesn't like to work right. If anyone can make this work with any of the Minas, that'd be great~ Also, see if you can catch the reference~
  12. Next up, Kasen Ibaraki by Hetyo, done by Feria and Aionios! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Touhou/KasenIbaraki1.gif:origina lhttp://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/112/6/0/electrocuted_kasen_ibaraki_gif_by_xenomic-d62obij.gif http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Touhou/KasenIbaraki3.gif:original http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/112/d/b/electrocuted_kasen_ibaraki_by_xenomic-d62oboe.png As for the Photobucket issue, it's something that they haven't fixed yet from moving over from the old design to the new one. Wish they would've fixed it beforehand. >_>;
  13. Next up from the Feria/Aionios team, this one coming from Mahou Shojo Madoka Magica, Homura Akemi! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Anime/Homura1.gif:original http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/106/4/e/electrocuted_homura_akemi_gif_by_xenomic-d62051z.gif http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Anime/Homura3.gif:original http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/106/3/e/electrocuted_homura_akemi_spritesheet_by_xenomic-d6204z0.png Seriously, why can't I link images anymore!? .V.
  14. Next up, day 3 (wow, 3 in a row?), another by the Feria/Aionios combo, this time TrapSatoko! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Other%20Games/TrapSatoko1_zps88b9a424.gif:original http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Other%20Games/TrapSatoko2_zpsabb79fc3.gif:original http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/101/b/3/electrocuted_trapsatoko_by_xenomic-d61dr69.png Once again, I apologize for the terrible GIFs...and once again, I think there's something broken on the forums since it's not letting me post images...
  15. New one, this one for Sakuya Izayoi! Again, can't show both animations because Photobucket is being stupid and keeps resizing images...also, I am not 100% certain I am doing palettes right. I attempted to give this to Kohaku's Sakuya by updating the ACT files with the yellow aura, and the yellow aura does indeed work, though the X-Ray sprite, and the sprites in general, have some color issues. I guess I shouldn't worry too much, seeing as Felicia had that same problem in Darkstalkers. Again, still looking for anyone who's willing to help add these things to characters! Would help a lot and save me a lot of time. @_@;
  16. And another from Aionios (also from Feria as he did the original sprites), this time it's for the little summoner, Rydia! http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x308/Xenomic/Shock%20Gallery/Animations/Final%20Fantasy/Rydia_zpsf331f07b.gif:original http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/099/c/d/electrocuted_rydia_by_xenomic-d612p78.png Stupid Photobucket...fix that bug already! >_< Also, for some reason I can't post images now? "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community" is what I'm getting, when I just did it not that long ago...?
  17. Aionios and Sky79 (and now Feria) are the ones making the sprites for the project. I just post them is all.
  18. And fresh from the woodworks, we have Aionios and...Feria! Feria is a newcomer to the project, whom I randomly found on a Japanese site. Been churning out a lot of shocks he has, but he doesn't do skeletons, so someone else has to do them. This is where Aionios is coming into play~ Satsuki Yumizuka: (I would post the other GIF, but it seems that Photobucket is being stupid now and resizes GIFs upon uploading them to something craptastically small...I don't know if they're doing that on purpose or if there's a bug or what...).
  19. New one by Aionios, this one for Succubus! I think she's from Disgaea? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Welp, someone got their wish~ Rei Grab for Sagat by Sky79: And now many people shall be scarred for life~ :v Expect more from both Sky and Aionios!
  21. OH MY GOODNESS! Aionios has returned! Happy days~ AND with a new shock! This one is for Mizuka Nagamori, from Eternal Fighter Zero~ Happy days~
  22. Some sprites here, all for Rei's grab. Angel: Juggernaut: And new one, Roomi: Image of Roomi's in action: Don't worry, this will alternate between both genders, so that it doesn't wind up like the rest of the project (such as Sangue=Passare right now in particular). EDIT - And new one by Sky! This time for poor ol' Dan Hibiki!
  23. Lists for those interested in helping on the project and want something to go by: Midnight Bliss: http://xenomic.freehostia.com/Text/Characters%20to%20Midnight%20Bliss.txt Shock: http://xenomic.freehostia.com/Text/Characters%20to%20Shock.txt Sangue=Passare: http://xenomic.freehostia.com/Text/Sangue=Passare%20List%20for%20MUGEN.txt These are also now in the first post, so if you need to find them, they're at the bottom of the first post. Enjoy if you want to help! Keep in mind too, I don't have specifications set on Shocks or Sangue=Passares, though I do have specific images in Midnight Bliss (please be wary as some of the links do go to Danbooru, and the ads there aren't exactly...well...SFW). If you have any suggestions or want to help, once again, feel free to help out! On topic, maybe Mr. Karate needs his nose inflated since Dorgoloko brought it up~ :3
  24. Roomi's Sangue=Passare. Different pose, inflation is corrected (it actually is aligned better, for lack of a better word, than the previous one), and the hair is fixed.
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