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Posts posted by miner600

  1. Renamed all the Tekken 7 sounds with their internal ID-name. This allowed the next changes:
    -Redistributed character specific sounds among the cast (ie. Akuma has all of his SE in his folder now)
    -Also removed some duplicate item files. Old common folder had 545 unnamed files, it has been reduced to 350 named files and separated in 4 folders.
    -The announcer files are separated now.

  2. These are some rips i compiled.


    Street Fighter V : Champion Edition (Download)

    Sound files of the playable characters from the latest update. Includes both languages. DLC folder contains "A shadow falls" content like lazy audacity rips of the DLC movie files and the recommended special battle dialogue (i.e  Ryu vs Necalli)


    The folders include:
    _CHRSTR_E  = English Story dialogue (in-battle)
    _CHRSTR_J  = Japanese Story dialogue
    _COS_00    = Default costume sounds (prayer beads, chains, etc)
    _CV_E      = English character voice
    _CV_J      = Japanese character voice
    _SE        = Special effect sounds   
    IllustDemo = Story Illustration dialogue (including other characters)


    Samurai Shodown 2019 (Download)
    Sounds of all of the characters in the latest update including Shizuka, the final boss. Common battle sounds (sword clashing, blood splatter, WFT start, etc) are in a separate file.
    Had to lower the volume of some really loud sounds. Unaltered versions are in the "original" folder HEADPHONE WARNING


    The character folders include:
    _v      = Battle voice files
    _select = Select Screen voice files
    _s      = Battle SE
    _w      = Story and win screen voice files
    title   = Character saying game title


    Tekken 7 (Download)
    Sounds from the latest Lidia patch.


    -"7__other characters" includes Devil Kazumi, young Kazuya and Tekken Force Soldier.
    -"7__story dialogue" includes the special chapter dialogue like Akuma vs Heihachi.


    Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (Download)
    Soundfiles of the Street Fighter update.


    Included are:
    -Character sounds (voice and attack SE)
    -Zord sounds
    -Common sounds (ie announcer and hitsounds)


    SNK Heroines (Download)

    Sounds of all the characters, default announcer and common sounds


    Soulcalibur VI (Download)

    Sounds from the latest update. Includes both languages, weapon sounds, announcer and other soundfiles. Everything has their original ID name.


    _E                      = English voice lines
    _J                       = Japanese voice lines
    _SE                    = Unique weapon sounds (There is a folder with the Critical Edge sounds assembled in stereo files. The original files have the 6 channels separated)
    Dramatic_Voice   = Chronicle's battle voice lines (If they have one)


    The CaS folder contains the "Create a Soul" voice files in both languages.
    sc6__common sounds.7z contains common SE(ie. kicks, hitsounds), foley (chainmail, leather armor, etc) and system sounds (KO hud sound).


    Fighting EX Layer Sounds (Download)

    Sounds from the latest version, including the announcer.


    -Character 7zip     = voicelines and unique sound effects.
    -Common sounds = shared sound effects and system sounds.


    Devil May Cry V Character Sounds (Download)

    Sounds of the 4 playable characters: Nero, Dante, V and Vergil. Sadly no ID on the files.


    The character packs include:
    -EN          = English Voice
    -JA           = Japanese Voice
    -SE           = Character Sound Effects
    -Weapon = Unique weapon sounds (V has familiars including dual audio Griffon)

    Common sounds include slashing sounds, elemental damage, stylish ranking, etc.
    Dante and Vergil are kind of a mess because they have 2 versions, playable and boss. Expect some overlap and hundreds of unnamed files.


    Jump Force Sounds (Download)

    Sounds of the current roster. No file ID but the sounds follow an order (first voicelines are intros and supermove SE follow the sequence).


    -JF Original folder contains the OC: Kane, Galena and Prometheus.
    -3 characters have extra voicelines: Yugi has Dark Magician Girl, Naruto has the Ninetails and Giorno has Requiem.
    -Some characters have a lot of SE in their original folder, others none. The missing ones should be in "JForce__Common Sounds" but that file is a mess.
    -The last section of voicelines are some kind of vocal test.


    Ultra Street Fighter IV Rival Sounds (Download)

    Rival match dialogue in both languages. Also included are ALL of the pre-boss batlle lines of Evil Ryu and Boss Oni.
    Decapre, Elena, Hugo, Poison and Rolento don't have rival dialogue.


    The folders contain
    _EXB          = pre-boss battle voicelines (Evil Ryu and Oni ONLY)
    _NML         = seems to be special dialogue against anyone in story mode
    _RV1_ENM = Rival 1 voicelines
    _RV1_PLY   = character voicelines against Rival 1

    Some characters have 2 rivals (RV2 folders). As always, _E is english, _J is japanese


    Granblue Fantasy Versus Sounds (Download)

    Sounds from the Vira update in dual language.
    -The extra folder contains intros and outros, if a new character releases ill only need to update only those files. The files of the main folder will stay the same (character SE and voice lines)
    -Boss folder contains the bosses of RPG mode. Avatar Belial and Beelzebub use the SE of the playable versions.
    -GFVS__commons sounds.7z contains system sounds, RPG mode SE and character common sounds (hitsounds, landing, etc)


    Guilty Gear Strive Sounds (Download

    Sounds from the latest update in 3 languages (English, Japanese and Korean).


    King of Fighters XV Sounds (Download)

    No id names so it's kind of a mess (no unique character sfx for now). Voicefiles of the 39 playable characters+2 bosses and common system sounds (ie. announcer and hitsounds). The streamed_audio files are specific sounds like rival dialogue.
    These are .ogg files so convert them to .wav with foobar or other programs.


    DNF Duel Sounds (Download)

    Sounds of the complete roster, announcer and common sounds. 
    3 languages: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Japanese Announcer uses 4 Korean sounds: 1p_lose, 1p_win, 2p_lose and 2p_win.


    Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul Sounds (Download)

    Battle related sounds of all of the characters.  Japanese only for now. God cloth versions only adds a new big bang attack so those files are inside the normal versions. Saga has an alternate voice for the illusion version.
    Bing Bang Attacks have 5 channel audio separated.


    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R (Download)

    Most of the sounds are already on the sounds resource. I just extracted the rest of the dlc characters and the common sounds.
    ASBR__Battle SE contains character SE. Other sounds like Max Heart Gauge and KO SE are inside ASBR__Common SE.


    Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising (Download)

    Dual audio sounds of the complete roster and Boss Lucilius. GBVSR__Announcers are the playable characters acting as the system voice.


    Ys VS. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga Sounds (Download)

    Japanese voices and sound effects from this power stone like game featuring Ys Seven, Trails in the Sky and some other games.
    -battle dialogue for playable characters and final boss.
    -sound effects have some order but the filenames wont help.


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