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David Rattlz

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Everything posted by David Rattlz

  1. I know this is still a beta but you need to make him play more like the game.
  2. Thanks Daniel9999999, that code worked like a charm! just had to adjust the velocities in the hitdef llike you said to suit my attack, thanks again man!!
  3. Ok thank you guys for your help I will try.
  4. So I have to forget the target veladd (wich was my way of making him bounce) and create a custom state to simulate that? never thought of it. What do you sugest for the custom state? Thank you.
  5. Ok so I coded a special attack that hits the oppenent to the ground and then makes the oppenent bounce up just enough so that I can chain it with other attacks. but as soon as the opponent bounces back I try to hit him but i can´t, I've already checked if it was a collision box problem on p2's end but no the collision boxes are there, I even set the move to take no juggle point but still no luck, can anyone help ? Here's a video showing the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_HH7Zq8Pxg Here's the code: ; Shatter Spirit [Statedef 9001] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 0 velset = 2,0 ctrl = 0 anim = 9001 poweradd = 20 sprpriority = 2 [State 9001, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 2 value = S0,0 channel = -1 [State 9001, 1.1] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 1 trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0 ID = 7090 sprpriority = 4 persistent =1 postype = p1 pos = -64,-38 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7000 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1.2] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 2 trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0 ID = 7091 sprpriority = 4 persistent =1 postype = p1 facing = -1 pos = -37,-138 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7010 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1.3] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 3 trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0 ID = 7092 sprpriority = 4 postype = p1 pos = 63,-55 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7010 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1.4] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 4 trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0 ID = 7093 sprpriority = 4 persistent =1 postype = p1 facing = -1 pos = -37,-138 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7010 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1.5] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 5 trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0 ID = 7094 sprpriority = 4 persistent =1 postype = p1 pos = -64,-38 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7000 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1.6] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 6 trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0 ID = 7095 sprpriority = 4 persistent =1 postype = p1 facing = -1 pos = 15,-41 scale = 0.23, 0.23 bindtime = -1 removetime = -1 anim = 7000 ownpal = 1 removeongethit = 1 [State 9001, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = animelem = 3 attr = S, NA damage = 23, 0 animtype = Light guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 2, 8 sparkno = S6250 guard.sparkno = S6301 sparkxy = -10, -76 hitsound = S3, 2 guardsound = 6, 0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = 0, 8 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 air.type = High air.velocity = 0,8 air.hittime = 0 fall = 1 fall.recover = 1 fall.damage = 20 envshake.time = 50 envshake.freq = 100 envshake.ampl = 4 fall.envshake.time = 40 fall.envshake.freq = 60 fall.envshake.ampl = 4 [State 9001, TargetVelAdd] type = TargetVelAdd trigger1 = movehit && animtime = 0 x = 0 y = -6.5 [State 9001, 5] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1
  6. Take your time man. Yeah having a son is a great responsibility, (assuming he is your son) so take all the time you need, but It's good to know you wanna do it! Hope to see it soon! :)
  7. Hey Ryon, watched all your tutorials and loved them, learned a lot!, the only thing I still can´t do is A.I, and I've noticed you have tutorials on almost every major subject, except A.I. It would be really cool if you did a video tutorial on A.I making, I´ve red a lot of text tutorials on the subject but its never the same as a video, could you make one? its the only missing piece. :)
  8. Hi Juaniquillo awesome select screen but is there a way to stop the lag or is it just my pc? I've heard quite a few people complaining with lag problem in the select screen. Is it like that for everyone? Really that is the only thing that is making this screenpack not perfect but the rest is awesome!
  9. I found them and I feel like sharing them is the best to do Marluxia - http://www.mediafire.com/download/6wpeo6k1rtec7v6/Marluxia_(Ultraboard101.rar Lexaeus - http://www.mediafire.com/download/2dqlp0a2phh7t79/Lexaeus_(Ultraboard101).rar Zexion - http://www.mediafire.com/download/sf5jdytgxqb4gj3/Zexion_(Ultraboard101.rar Xion - http://www.mediafire.com/download/fqcnwy475ektlvz/Xion_(Ultraboard101.rar Larxene - http://www.mediafire.com/download/n65ra3w9qjnr9pn/Larxene.rar
  10. Hey guys I found every character but larxene so if anyone could help it would be cool also if you want the other characters i found just ask
  11. I think you should try i just pointed it out for you cause sometimes 1.1 stuff doesn't work on mugen 1.0. try it ;)
  12. I Think this is it but i think its for Mugen 1.1 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/aiivf4vvz2r1h/MKX_Screenpack
  13. Thank you very much for the Reply! :) Yes I know that they have bugs but compared to the other versions out there, his versions are a lot better. Oh and by the way I was looking for some MK cartoon characters the other day and I came across an old post of yours but most of the links are down if you still have them could you hook me up with the chars?: Acid Tremor Cyber- Smoke Chameleon (by Marth Belmont) That would be very Cool!
  14. I am looking for ultraboard101's Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII Characters The links in his channel are all down, I guess he has given up the KH Mugen Project Since I know that they were available a few years back I was wondering if some of you might have them. Specificly I am look for this chars by him: Marluxia 1.0 - Xion 1.0 - Larxene 1.1 or 1.0 - Zexion (His Final Release) - Lexaeus 1.2 - If any of you guys could hook me up with those I would be very grateful
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