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Posts posted by IDGCaptainRussia

  1. 3 hours ago, ShiniGami NoMeresu said:

    I have an account but i cant download for a year+ now, apparently i made a mistake when i tried to upload/share a char there, and im banned since then, later i tried to speak out truth [because they were leaking stuff of Authors who havent allowed their creations to be shared] and for that i am banned for everything except for "sighting" i cant download, i cant post, i cant comment, i cant report. They should change the site's name from Mugen to Toxic Archive, because that is what they are.

    we all know this song and dance so there's no reason to spark another conversation


    The reason I asked to be Privately messaged links is so they CAN"T find out who mirrored them, thus saving people from being banned.

    EDIT: Then I would repost them myself because sharing is caring, right?

  2. 18 hours ago, Madotsuki said:

    I see that you want to pass it to mediafire, right? go, you're like me

    Anywhere else that doesn't require an account to download from. (Mega, Dropbox, even sendspace)

    There's alot of drama relating to the archive, *alot*

    You have to pay, be it in money or "forced dedication" to download anything, I of course am, not gonna do that.


    But as long as the archive has something, it won't vanish off the internet, so there's a good flip of the coin as well, it just won't be very easy.


  3. It's that time again, more offline stuff that the archive has, could I please have these mirrored?


    incoming Mugen Archive links!




    Please mirror these, but this is important:


    DO NOT POST THEM HERE! The archive WILL threaten to ban you for mirroring their downloads. Send me a private message with the mirror links and I will repost them myself

    Thanks ❤️

    EDIT: added a few more

  4. On 5/29/2020 at 9:01 PM, harunai said:

    Thank you very much !!! I have a friend with a Baidu account, so I'll ask them for help. I've been searching for over a week now, thank you !!!!


    20 hours ago, SSBKing65✯ said:

    https://www.axfc.net/u/2266303 Datenko, link but passworded.


    On 5/29/2020 at 8:26 PM, SSBKing65✯ said:

    And I collect Tenshi edits, here's Datenko-R: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B2ORfqLY8dvgkiwrr7-PoC3ShqChVHv_/view?usp=sharing

    Datenko-B is in this Baidu folder: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1316yo#list/path=%2F but they don't let people download their files without an account so I'll see if I can find her elsewhere.


    https://www.sendspace.com/file/j4gxyq temp link, but here's Datenko and Datenko-B, I think AnimeFreak2013 gave me these back in the day or I donno where I found them

    I'm kinda low on Hosting Space, SSB could you give these 2 characters a more permanent mirror? (For the touhou edits collection)

  5. 21 hours ago, kek said:

    make sure to add the FATAL ART characters that are up for download! Make sure to credit Bonehouse 

    The game stopped development. 

    Download on said video is broken, if someone could mirror that, it would be great, because the game is moleboxed normally

  6. On 1/7/2020 at 6:28 PM, SSBKing65✯ said:

    Hey IDG, I'll be glad to make some new links for stuff you'd want from Mugenarchive. Here are those three characters: 

    That Ken was created by Jose Cuervo which was also on Mugenarchive so I downloaded him too if you still wanted it.

    I wouldn't know what the password is to that Baidu file.

    Thank you!

    Please do, While your add it (notices the ken is included) get these 2, the first one is going to be rather heavy filesize thou so you may want to delete these when your done with them




    Oh right, I didn't think a password was needed with that link

    The password is 0kkl

  7. https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=117315-g-saiki-hades (original link is gone, can someone mirror this one?)

    https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=125647-nightmare-sparkle-vo-jk (can't find the original)

    https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=126966-kyo-hero-1-1-jin-jinb (original is on baidu... but I don't know which one, so here's an easier link)


    Furthermore, could someone download this off baidu? It's a snd file a friend of mine is very interested in it but they can't get it themselves: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dzzmv6BUcfeD6kyxriffWw



    Also as a final question, not a mirror but, who's ken is this in this first fight?


  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5gqu5bomal7ez8/Seinosuke Edits.zip?dl=0 (Veanko's edit and Qualia, pretty them both into one pack since they're both edits of the original)


    Also, something else I'd recommend with this collection is a brown-crap character color, as I know alot of this are not going to be good and people would like a better way to know what's collection material or not.

    EDIT: here's another one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c96wh7z3pzh8sn/Blue Stick.zip?dl=0
    This isn't the original sadly, it was modified by me a long time ago, but I largely was looking to make the armor phase less tedious, this is a weird long lost character and I'd only download it for collectors (if shit like coughing up blood whenever you get up or throwing Pikachus with bombs attached to them is your thing in characters)

    Don't remember where I got this, pretty sure it harkons back to the Esnips days

    EDIT 2X: oh snap I noticed you got it already, wow nice.

    anyways if you want to add this little edit, you can, it's nothing much just the above.

    Edit 3X: ok you don't have this one thou! https://www.dropbox.com/s/snnetxbqn331wg8/chosenone.zip?dl=0

    This is the original cheap Chosen one, likely over 10 years old by now, however again, I have edited it slightly. In this case-having reasonable stats so he is beatable, I think that's all I did.

    Like blue, for collectors only.

  9. 23 hours ago, jo19sh92 said:

    Ah, I see. Well... if this was real, I'll be honest, I would be willing to pay that amount (despite honestly not wanting to do that) for a few characters. I mean, especially if I could get a source accurate creation of something, although it definitely wouldn't be in the styles mention, I prefer more custom stuff.

    Those kinds of prices wouldn't be the first time, you ever taken a look at DDR's commissions lol?

    Realistically with him, your just paying for the sprites, DDR was good back then, he's pretty... Well... I think his homepage speaks for itself with how 1999's it is.


    Outside of that Commissions haven't ever really been a big thing in Mugen, largely due to Mugen's Status as a free game and in-turn alot of the younger-non paid people it attracts.

    Trust me, I've offered Paypal to people for private characters (I'm that much of a collector), and every single one of them rejected my offer on the grounds of they won't take/deal with money largely because most of them can't. With the only next best option is some stupidly hard trades (IE MugenMason's Stages, which some of which later released out in the public, and he had a cry baby tantrum about it, similar story with SannoTohno 2nd after HLC's characters were re-leaked from the private scene which led him to get neo-political with people and labeling people who were responsible.)


    Ok that went off topic fast, anywho. Jesuszilla has been around for a long time, he's got alot under his belt, I'm sure some dedicated Mugenites who want X in the game will get it and gladly pay for it too.

  10. On 10/30/2019 at 1:14 AM, Ryou said:

    Awesome, sorry I'm late. Since you can't mirror the Baidu link, it's fine, but I can't find the original release for this character and could you kindly mirror it too? https://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=61549-sim-young-gradation-ykun

  11. Respectfully corrected, very good points, I've mostly only been watching from the side lines and making rational judgement from what I've seen so what I say can't be taken with ut-most truth.

    I am sorry for thinking Dizzy might have had more than 60 IQ, but pulling strings or not, he's still got power he can easily abuse.

    Still, that power is not the same power running the archive, and is NOT the same as those leading it. And seeing as Dizzy values money gain and greed so dearly to unban paying users, it would make sense that the techies and the ones really pulling the strings behind the archive only put up with him because the operation pays out well enough.

    As far as all of "those" people are concerned, it "works" and shouldn't changed as it benefits them; this is where the problems arise with all other parties involved.


     I've said it before and I'll say it again: The archive isn't bad in of itself, it's just as a power hungry narcissist at the helm of it all. If it wasn't for Dizzy and the archive had proper leadership, it could very well be one of MUGEN's largest boons to ever exist... Like it used to be years ago when it was first founded... We can only hope that won't be just a memory from a bygone era.


    Clock is ticking @sero, try to be respectful and reasonable when you do explain, I mean we're all doing it for you when really, we shouldn't be... But we're better people than Dizzy.
    And one thing we do is give the benefit of the doubt; an act of mercy on our part and chance of self-vindication on yours.

  12. 47 minutes ago, sero said:

    https://<BLACKLISTED URL>/eu-cookie/privacy.html

    "The MUGEN ARCHIVE does not sell or trade any user information to any third party. "


    when you say they sell your info without proof, it's called defamation

    and when covered by admins (who claim that asking for a proof = trolling = ban) , it's called organized crime

    mffa is a criminal site


    why do I bother tho, this post will be deleted to cover up the hate hive mind

    why do I bother tho, no one ever turned into a well educated person upon being told they're little thugs

    why do I bother tho, no one ever regained their sanity upon being told they're batshit craze


    one thing bothers me tho, mugen archive is being way to soft ... their "haters gonna hate" or "don't fed the trollz" stance is way too soft, if not bollocks

    you can't stop criminals with flowers, you've got to break their fucking bones to stop them

    mugen archive ought to have loads of money and money is power, why they don't use that power to destroy you is beyond me

    is it because they don't take you seriously ? I don't know but it's time to harden up


    I've posted an article on the matter : www.reddit.com/r/mugenguild/comments/bu49vi/my_personal_thoughts_about_the_mugen_wars/

    The main point is the internet is a lawless place when mental retards can get away with anything till they get someone killed. That's why I think mugen archive needs to harden up and break you once and for all because it's clear brutality is the only thing you could ever understand.


    and I would hate being entirely off topic

    this whole thread is a bad joke, banning mugen archive for adfly (which they don't even have) and yet adfly links are all over mffa, and yet you didn't blacklist yourself? go figure, just a big fucking joke for whoever is stupid enough to buy it

    You know... If you made an account just now for trying to Gaslight MFFA and White Knight for MA, you failed really horribly.

    I do agree that, in normal cases I would just write this whole (Archive deal) off as a "Fuck you" and walk away because this really is a bunch of BS. But Dizzy has far too much power and far too much hunger for it, and he's feeding off innocent people to get it.

    I think many people will agree that cannot slide. Dizzy gained superiority through dishonest means and continues to do so, and honestly he's the only one who cares about being superior. The rest of us just want to see this BS come to an end.


    You wanna tell me about Crime? How about how the Archive issued a DDOS attack against MFFA? MA threw the first punches and we've been merely defending back, who else would DDOS other mugen sites?

    Though I am going to tell you oh so shiny White Knight of the archive, that if they do take serious action. They're in for ALOT worse than they know from entities that involve.

    Do you think SNK or Capcom would feel comfortable knowing their work is involved in this BS? I know I wouldn't.

    Just accept that MA is being run by a tyrant, and their choices are the whole


    You know why we're not going to delete this message or lock you out? It's because we're NOT a hugbox, we can take drama, and I think we all agree that the Archive itself isn't what's evil, just their leading admin who pulls all the strings.

  13. I would have to agree, at this point this isn't about blacklisting the site from sharing content. I think we can all agree that there's only 1 person pulling all the strings and using the archive's hosted content exclusivity as a means to enthrall users to serve Dizzy.


    We went from ad.fly, something legit creators across the internet use as a donation option (note: option, most still provide alternative direct link for those who don't want to use ad.fly) to what I can only describe now as a scandal.


    This is really starting to get bad, I told a friend about this and they described it as "Facebook scandal" levels of bad.


    I think the only way this is going to stop is to take Dizzy's power aware, and I can only see that happening through 2 means:
    1: Legal action against him by the masses and a binding judgement to keep him in check.

    2: Educate the masses, a popular youtuber or other media outlet to warns users en-mass about what the archive "really" is.


    Agreed, the archive is a novel idea, just in the wrong hands of the wrong people with the wrong amount of power.


    1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


    It's from a video game. One of the best fighting game series even.


    Not just the avatar, he's quite literally using the same name as well as that character. I am unsure if this is meant to intentional because of MUGEN, or he just really, really likes said character... Who knows, but that's not important right now.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to sound like I'm "correcting" you Darkflare, just adding onto what you said.

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