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Everything posted by boeyman812(Cc)

  1. if you are talking about MEGA downloads if you count pausing and starting the download a bunch of times a great download site then great
  2. yes i'm trying to add a story-line as of right now to each character and why onslaught is invade gensokyo i thought about this for a while and as much of a good idea as that was i feel like i don't have enough experience to make something like that. As of right now i'm trying to add a story to each character and a intro to why onslaught is invading gensokyo, and i'm also trying to add helpers for each character and a few other things for this. But for something like touhou vs all (or most) of marvel seems to be a little to ambitious for me
  3. this is my side project i have been working on this is not fully done but i just wanted it out there for some good feedback on what i can improve on PLEASE READ THIS: i always fuck up credits in any of my works the first time. So i do fuck up the credits i wouldn't be surprised tell me and i will fix the credits right A.S.A.P download: version 1.0: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2fkthvzv14d3g9p/Touhou+Vs+Onslaught+V1.0.rar version 0:http://www.mediafire.com/download/mr8scirzdk0rbel/Touhou+Vs+Onslaught.rar i don't use MEGA downloads because MEGA downloads suck UPDATE VERSION 1.0 OR WHATEVER LIST OF STUFF I ADDED 11/3/2014 -added proper looking title screen background -removed Momiji_I and tenma_sama and replaced them with mima_RP and Komachi -replaced some character portraits -added remila story-line (but it looks like complete garbage) -messed with sound files :) -new stages
  4. hi im new to mugen and i decided to take up a new hobbie of doing mugen things so yea i like TF2, touhou, and hyperdimension neptunia i also have a youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCets2A-en7Qo302ieGBS66Q?spfreload=1 so ummmm... yea that's me
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