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Posts posted by yaminogun

  1. if you don't know the stage date release why not just see the sff Date modified? 


    i just compare the mediafire link i give to you which is more original and the one you have on colony stage. both sff and def is different in size and date modified. who the heck edit both files that far. so the unknown year release mean it was edited version? i guess you better host both original and edited version now. just use the link i give to you in pm room and you'll know some of these stage original release date.

  2. [State -2, ]
    type = palfx
    trigger1 = palno=10
    ; trigger1 = time = 1
    time = 99999
    add = ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60))),ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60))),ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60)));50,0,0
    sinadd = ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60))),ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60))),ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60))),random;50,0,0,40
    color = ceil((random%257 * cos(gametime * pi / 60)))
    persistent = 1

    [state -2, Glowing Palette Effect]
    type = remappal
    trigger1 = palno = 7
    source = 1, 1
    dest = 1, 1+(random%5);random%5;ceil(abs(5 * cos(gametime * pi / 300)))

    [state -2, Glowing Palette Effect]
    type = remappal
    trigger1 = palno = 8
    source = 1, 1
    dest = 1, ceil(abs(4 * cos(gametime * pi / 30)))

    [State -2, RemapPal]
    type = RemapPal
    trigger1 = palno = 9
    trigger1 = GameTime % 5 = 0; && (PalNo = [1,6])
    source = 1,1
    dest = 1,1+floor(Gametime /30) %4
    ignoreHitPause = 1

  3. :redcard::angry1:


    didn't they know bad karma is about to strike them. they seriously need to stop that and ask forgiveness to the One who create the whole universe and the whole existences the one who control everything how the whole things works. quick do that before too late! human can't predict their near death mode(if yo don't understand then watch any graphic accident in liveleak, you can owned by car crash, accidentally eat poisoned food, etc). maybe they were inexperienced guys but i'm here to warn about it. if they ignore this warning then God punishment is deserved for them.


    i want admin/mod do something about it. i think guys like them can reduce your website traffic because they make your website ethic look bad.

    so what are you gonna do admin/mod? no ban for them? no new rule for that?

    well i can't do anything about it since God plant the mocks hobby to any sinner who never bother about their sin.:truestory: that help me decides if that person is actually enemy or not.

  4. these values seem fix many problem i counter in winmugen

     ;Number of simultaneous afterimage effects allowed.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 1).
    AfterImageMax = 100

     ;Maximum number of layered sprites that can be drawn.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 32).
    LayeredSpriteMax = 20500

     ;Maximum number of explods allowed in total. Note that hitsparks
     ;also count as explods.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 8).
    ExplodMax = 10000

     ;Maximum number of system explods allowed.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 8).
    SysExplodMax = 1024

     ;Maximum number of helpers allowed in total.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 4, maximum 56).
    HelperMax = 56

     ;Maximum number of projectiles allowed per player.
     ;Set to a lower number to save memory (minimum 5).
    PlayerProjectileMax = 10000


    let me know if that fix the problem with custom lifebar

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