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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. I've done practically everything to fix this, but nothing seems to be working. Can anyone, and I mean anyone lend a helping hand?
  2. My choice for worst TV show would have to be, "Angela Anaconda". This review on it pretty much explains why: Not to mention the fact that a short from this cartoon would come on before the Digimon Movie. :p
  3. Mexican Star Wars Bootleg: They Don't Take Crap From No One...........Or S**t In This Case!
  4. OOC: While I think about which characters to use for this new arc, I'll be sure to see how it unfolds.
  5. "Shen, your inability to control your rage is getting out of hand. Must we remind you of what happened with Jasper?" "Yeah, what the heck was the deal with her? I kept trying to deck her, but she kept monologuing and gloating about how much stronger she was. I'm glad Geese fired her, she was getting on my last nerve! I wonder where she is now?" "Something to do with Homeworld, her home."
  6. I've been listening to this band for a bit, and this is one of favorites from Kontrust.
  7. Danganronpa Everyone dies. The End ** **********
  8. Star Wars Episode V The Future Refused To Change......
  9. Armageddon. Malachite is dragged to the bottom of the sea.
  10. *Shen makes his way out of Geese's mansion only to hear that Dusk received membership status due to a technicality* "Seriously?! I was just getting started with this punk!"
  11. Dude, it has been honor getting to know you here. You were one of the people that got me inspired to continue palette making after my year-long hiatus, and everyone here is appreciative of everything you've done for the MUGEN community. Until next time, good luck on the horizon! :)
  12. "Considering that Master Howard had to call his staff for business, you win by way of forfeit. I'll inform Geese of his newest member once he's finished with his meeting. As you Earthrealmers say: welcome aboard."
  13. *Back at the Howard Residence* "Iori and Yamazaki both know how to drive. I don't get why you're trying to reteach them. It just seems off. Besides......." "You still owe me a day off!"
  14. "Oh, yeah?!" *Also, juggles bootlegged potatoes* "BTW, when will this filler arc finish? I'm itching to see how this epic tale concludes!"
  15. OOC: Chalk it up to the developers for that aesthetic. :p Anyways...... *Fuyuhiko notices that Deadpool was standing next to Mr. Mxyzptlk* "Ha! The audience thought The Avengers blasted you to smithereens! Team Deadpool scores another victory! What's the matter shorty, can't handle the fact that you're just a wannabe Yakuza?" "YOU MOTHERF---..............You better be lucky that nothing can kill you, otherwise, the Yakuza would've put a hit on your ass ages ago!" "I don't have a donkey, so nice try!"
  16. "I'M NOT DEAD! I WAS SHOT, BUT THE REST NEVER HAPPENED! WHO PUT THOSE PICTURES THERE????" *Fuyuhiko slowly turned to reveal who was breaking the 4th wall*
  17. "I figured you were the kind that killed people. Is this X guy some kind of mercenary or what?"
  18. "Geez, I was just messing with ya. No need to get pissed off or anything. Anyways, who's this X you're looking for?"
  19. *Meanwhile, a few miles from Howard HQ, Fist Dracon had attempted to send a message to X......or so he was led to believe* "I don't know what the hell you're supposed to be, but you've got the wrong number!"
  20. "It would seem that there lies another issue. Peko! I need you to help this girl find her mother." "On it, Ermac."
  21. *Walks towards the little girl* "I believe you are lost little girl. This is Geese Howard's residence and business headquarters and you have no business here." *Turns to Peko* "Peko, do you know this kid?" "No. Though I can see how she could make that mistake."
  22. "Really Geese? You know the Broly clone hasn't killed anyone since it's inception. Even if it found a way to be lethal, it would take hours for it to gather enough energy to effectively blast someone to pieces." *Turns to Dusk* "As for the time limit, you have 2 minutes remaining. Either find a way to defeat Shen or last the remainder of time."
  23. *Gets back up and goes for one more punch* "TAKE THIS!"
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