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Posts posted by GohanSSM2

  1. Welcome. Don't worry about 'contributor, creator' and all that kinda stuff. People is people and the more the merrier. I remember a Magus (maybe it was [E]Magus or such) a long while ago, but may be some one else. I'm trying to remember if it was Dev, Being, or possibly NiteTek even. Been so long. Anyway, howdy.

  2. Jojishi, there's more but... Anyway, there is stuff like international "hotlines" that are deeply hidden in there. Nearly direct lines between different country leaders and such. There is also nuclear "hotsites" usually have a roundabout "back door" that is hard wired into a system just in case. But yeah, there's definitely a lot more than www out there for sure as well as http, ftp, https, and other protocols. Note, many 'security' type built systems use a unique protocol that can't be located by standardized means.

  3. Mortal Kombat Fatalities!!! DBZ (sorry folks, but...) Ginyu - trade places with opponent (your character as opponent and opponent as your character) all - flying Doom BFG9000 Duke Nukem 3D The Shrink Ray then stomp 'em with your boot Thee Ace Man (MUGEN only) Would you really want Megaman to copy this guy's stuff "pphhhlllltttt!!!" lol But nice to think about creativity and originality aperson98.

  4. Ah, yes, ZombieBrock, the loveable twos. Gotta love 'em at that stage in life. Why? Gotta love 'em at that stage in life. What's that? Why? Gotta love 'em at that stage in life. What's that? How come? Why? Gotta love 'em at that stage in life... lol. Good luck on all ZombieBrock.

  5. I was gone about the time MFFA started. MUGEN Tomb was gone too a little before. But looking around I can see why so many have come and styed here. I can also see why the "ego goofballs" don't stay around as well. But MFFA definitely has some history... Stay tuned but feel free to browse around elsewhere and realize why you like coming back here after you get tired of the drama and such that goes on at other places. Nice to have a place where most get along and can have different opinions as well. What works for one is not necessarily what works for all. But we all have our moments... Mugen Free For All. Feel free... Speaking about feeling old... Actually in the "real world" I'm Ace, the ace, and one of the two people (besides Albert Einstein and Sir Nicholas' immediate family) that was allowed to call Sir Nicholas Boehr, Nick, in private. Sir Nicholas was the one that kept me hidden from "the powers that be" for a reason. Sir Nicholas thought that if people knew who I really was (the guy with the unique tooth and all that as prophesied by Edgar Casey, Nostradamus, and even the Holy Bible itself) that certain people wanting things to stay "as is" would hunt me down to change history in the future. As far as I've known not even Doctor Stephen Hawking was allowed that privilege. Sir Nicholas passed away I believe in 2006, and as far as I've seen Doctor Hawking is still the "pompous overbearing windbag" that most who have known him realize him to be. But "hawking" a test is a bit different than "aceing" one. Thanks Nick! lol. Anyway, I've seen and been a part of a lot of stuff in nearly 48 years. Just keep going I guess. But remember too, "old farts never seem to realize when enough is enough". So as a result, I go by my shoe size, nine and a half, and not by my age, nearly 48 - December 4. Does it show?

  6. Nice to have a place where those that contribute are as important as everyone else. This place kinda reminds me a bit of how it was back in the old TESTP days with everyone working together (for the most part) to try and do what you can to help out. Whether making stuff more easily accessible, or making stuff directly for MUGEN. So congrats to ZB (if being given greater responsibility and all that is really a blessing or possibly a curse lol - zombies / cursed - double lol). Anyway, also I've noticed an influx here of people wishing to learn more about creation. Interesting to see how the new recruits turn out. Probably the hardest part for most in MUGEN is to keep going and not give up on yourself. Oh, yeah, really. Congrats Ryon on your decision to up ZBrock to global mod and make life a lot easier for everyone here I feel. Edit: and Black Chaos, yeah stealth works wonders on certain ones. They think no one is around and then poof, "How'd he know?" :=D:

  7. Yeah, it always has been a shame that most stuff done for MUGEN has been for 'watch mode' type matches aka AI controlled stuff. probably the biggest complaint I get from people about MUGEN is that most stuff you can't really play, so they lose interest and go elsewhere. It's a good thing though because I guess it helps the real fighting game companies sell more games. Oops, and a pet peeve of mine has always been that "balanced" means you can play as a character but also against that character. In other words, if in a player versus player type game, either character has a chance of winning based on a player's abilities and skill, not because a character can do a 50 hit combo on the first move to KO an opponent. Still waiting for a multiplayer type MUGEN or such where you can play against someone over the net one on one. The "cheap" stuff would disappear I feel, but have to wait and see I guess. And I guess probably the 'poorest' made character ever was Metal Greymon (only one sprite for the whole character and very few moves). Hate, nah. Ideas are ideas and some ideas seem to work better than others, but you never know until you try.

  8. Je ne parle pas en français, lol.

    Anyway, way too many hobbies and such to mention. But with my work the way it is now, I really don't have much time for stuff other than work, eat, sleep, rinse, lather, repeat... (and usually in no particular order).

    Seems like every time I get to doing things though, others tend to make some big production out of it in some way, shape, or form. So for a while now, I keep trying to drift off in the background (out of sight, out of mind), until someone gets too big for their britches. I guess probably my real hobby is cutting people down to size (especially myself). No one's perfect. I may 'ace' stuff a lot, but I screw up on occasion too. Don't we all?

    Partial list of hobbies include...

    Computer programming (QuickBASIC, and such)

    Play guitar (right-handed), drums (left-handed), bass (left-handed), vocalist

    travel all over (job related)

    mechanic (gotta be with the piece of crap I drive)


    MUGEN Forums

    weight lifting



    Songs on my phone http://www.thenewmat.../phonemusic.doc

    Computer games http://www.thenewmat....com/pooter.doc

    Working on my own music album http://www.thenewmat....com/order.html (redid page on 7-3-12 a little to kind of explain what this album is about and will probably update more when I get a chance)

    My book http://www.thenewmathbook.com

    Stuff I did codingwise http://gohanssm.netne.net/3dutil.html

    MUGEN stuff http://gohanssm.netne.net/mugen.html

    And another hobby of mine, driving others bonkers trying to keep up with me...

  9. RSA, the "Rookie Stagemakers Association". After a year, you are no longer a rookie though... Benefits of joining include... Sleepless nights Sleepless days Constant hounding of "When you gonna release, when you gonna release..." A cool badge that you have to make and design yourself No holiday, sick, or vacation days off Constant criticism And all the fun you can handle... (offer not valid in the Republic of South Africa or the Royal Sadism Association, void where prohibited by prohibition...)

  10. In no particular order... Picco by Pioupiou the J'Dar II game by KGenjuro Falling Down MUGEN game Ninja Warriors game (sorry Rich, but I added Iggman to the game as well...lol) Twisted Fate game and of course, Thee Ace Man and most of all, my mostest favoritist character is NEXT... (wouldn't be so good if nothing new happened, would it?)

  11. Sweet? ROTFLMAO and all that :=D: Thanks raremew. Probably the sweet smell of rice from the Tapioca and Saki coming out the other end. Sorry, just struck me as funny (when life gives you lemons, make Taki Fu for that "sweet taste" you'll never forget). Anyway, keep practicin' Taki Fu... lol...

  12. Oops, double post, but updated to v1.1 What's new: Grampa - ~D,DB,B,a power >= 3000 (level 3) Plus added a small tidbit about NCH Software (stick with WavePad) But yes, I added the age old classic... And also, if you listen at the end of the Grampa move you will hear a faint - "Grampa! He cheat! He pull own finger!"

  13. I am working hellacious hours at my current job but I have been able to work on things inbetween when I have some free time. So, I'm back but in a limited way since less time means it takes longer to get to things. I do have a laptop now which allows me some extra time I didn't have before (and the laptop has wireless and the airport has a wireless LAN connection, plus the laundromat, plus my slow house connection). And yup, this character I reworked from the ground up to be a bit different from anything else. It's kinda funny because "What's the correct range for a fart?" So I improvised a bit and adjusted gameplay around having unlimited ranged attacks. But also has the "Those who smelled it dealt it" type attack system to kinda balance it out a bit. Same as adding a pause in the Rejuvenate (Taki Fu) charge up part and full rejuvenation and such. Not as steep a learning curve but if you try to play as the character like most other stuff in MUGEN and you'll end up scratching your head about "What's going on here?" and such. I've always liked tinkering with stuff a bit and the unlimited range on the attacks and such did allow for some tinkering with gameplay stuff while still making him compatible with other gameplay types as well (player vs player mode, watch mode, teamplay mode, arcade mode). But was interesting trying to balance things out as best as possible without being too cheap and all that. Edit: I just realized I could have added another attack (called Grampa) using the same stuff as Flock of Flying Turtles only having the sound of "Quick, pull my finger, ppphhhllltttt". But it's great when you can use your imagination and put a little fun in "Who's the toughest fighter" with something like this making you wonder if maybe there might be a different way to deal with this question :=D:

  14. Simple, but effective and the best part, funner than fun without being angry. A fighter without anger? Kinda hard to be angry when you're laughing yer butt off... (Pardon the pun lol) Peace be with you and may the force of Taki Fu follow you wherever little old ladies make funny faces :confuse:

  15. http://www.thenewmathbook.com at bottom of page

    Posted Image

    Thee Ace Man character


    from Life Experience

    adaptation to M.U.G.E.N. by Thee Ace Man

    for WinMUGEN & MUGEN 1.0

    site: http://www.thenewmathbook.com

    email: [email protected]

    Background Information: Thee Ace Man is a MUGEN character designed around the principle of the "Taki Fu" (tah kee foo) non-violent fighting technique. This is a long lost ancient technique that was recently rediscovered by Thee Ace Man,

    himself, after trying many different ideas in a search for world peace. "Taki Fu" meaning the art of combining Tapioca

    with Saki to unleash an inner energy within the human body that can be very potent when harnessed by a trained master.

    This is a very easy technique to learn but only through proper training can this revolutionary fighting technique lead

    to a world of peace and tranquility. As such, this character is being released in an effort to help train individuals in

    the proper uses of "Taki Fu" to help bring about this New World Order filled with peace and tranqility. Thee Ace Man

    has tried and thought about many different techniques not limited to martial arts, wrestling, boxing, brass knuckles,

    numchucks, knives, swords, guns, bombs, chemical weapons, atomic weapons, and even nuclear weapons, but has yet to

    find a fighting technique as powerful as a Taki Fu trained master. Heaven help us all if this technique should ever

    be used to try and rule the world... Are you the one with this hidden power to help bring peace and tranquility to

    our battle-ridden universe? Or will you be destined to live in the shadows, fearful of the New World Order and

    this terrifying new technique that has been unleashed on the world?...

    Disclaimer: Caution!!! Please do not eat, drink, or smoke

    while using this character. Taki Fu, as stated, is a very

    potent mix of Tapioca and Saki and as such can cause

    unforeseen effects on the end-user. Use this character at

    your own risk. You have been warned...

    Note also, the default setup is for a small (SNES) sized

    character, There is also a medium (Mortal Kombat / Capcom)

    and a large (High Res) setup as follows:

    small - aceman.def & acemans.def

    medium - acemanm,def

    large - acemanl.def

    Move List:

    Normal moves:


    Light Creaking Door - a

    Light Squeaky Chair - b

    Rejuvenate (Taki Fu) - c

    Hard Creaking Door - x

    Hard Squeaky Chair - y

    Fly - z

    Special Moves:


    Machine Gun - x+y

    Pile Driver - ~B,F,a

    Barking Spider - ~B,F,b

    Sneaky Snake - ~F,B,a

    Commodal Dragon - ~F,B,b

    Wind Breaker - ~F,B,x

    Quacker - ~F,B,y

    Wet Wiper - ~D,DF,F,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

    Bottomless Pit - ~B,DB,D,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

    Sloppy Seconds - ~D,DB,B,b power >= 1000 (level 1)

    Bleacher Rattler - ~D,DB,B,x power >= 1000 (level 1)

    Royal Flush - ~B,DB,D,x power >= 1000 (level 1)

    Finishing Moves:


    Flock of Flying Turtles - ~F,DF,D,a power >= 3000 (level 3)

    Pea Souper - ~D,DF,F,a power >= 3000 (level 3)

    Peace Piper (S.B.D. Silent But Deadly) - ~D,DB,B,y power >= 4000 (level 4)

    Patriot Missile - ~D,DF,F,y power >= 4000 (level 4)

    J.A.C.G.C. - ~D,DF,F,x power >= 5000 (level 5)

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