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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. Has anyone downladed Beterhans' characters? I tried downloading his ryu but when i try to play as him, the dizzy sound keeps playing. Does anybody know how to fix that issue?
  2. COuld you replace those pals with: Alabama(My hometown) Crimson Tide, Auburn TIgers and, Buffalo Bills then?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL31K4QfPRI R.I.P DJ Rashad
  4. I changed it to A but its still floating, (If i knw how to screenshot on here i would)
  5. @NotAGoodName in which file is that in?
  6. Well i happened to see some of Taikan's ai patches for Warusaki3's Yuri and Guile. They work fine but when they jump they tend to float at the off screen(Via top of the stage and never come down) Can anyone help me out with this issue please?
  7. Are there any english soundpacks for: Vyn's Rugal? Pots' Geese? Jmorphman's Kyo?
  8. Yo D-B-S. Could you do some palettes for Warusaki3's Kim? 1. The Ninja Turtles Inspired palettes. (that's 4 for you, haha) 2. Lil Wayne, Drake, and Nicki Minaj palettes(that's 3) 3. Billy and Mandy(Just those 2)
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUt0RKf0Y8Q I was lost at words for this stage, does anybody know who made or has a link to this stage?
  10. I never used FF3 before, care to lend me a DL link?
  11. I was wondering if there's a way if you can change the default palettes on Infinite's characters?(Without the palette selector) I messed around but i was trying to ask ZombieBrock, but knowing him, he's a busy man. Any help please? I'd appreciate it.
  12. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for help but i'm having an issue with an ai patch for Karuhumu's Skullomania. I did all the things right to it but i keep getting an error message but if anyone needs a link i will provide one to his onedrive:https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=D3060D20CA0243CB&id=D3060D20CA0243CB%21120
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4ZBuZ97-0w And J. Dilla.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNm7tnBS1tc Gotta love Nujabes. Rest In Beats.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrB0FDjgLtk ^_^ On a fine evening right now.
  16. Oh oh oh oh, my bad my bad, haha. Take your time, haha.
  17. Except for Iori by Or2=3 give him Ed, Edd, Eddy, Rolf, Kevin, and Jimmy. And for Kyo by Ahuron give him: Rolf, Dexter(From Dexter Laboratory), Mandark, Billy(From Billy and Mandy), A ratchet girl palette(LOL), Kendrick Lamar palette(From the grammys), Obitio Uchiha(Ts), and Chris Griffin palette.
  18. Oh Dang. Can you do some for Vice by Or2=3 Link: http://page.freett.com/spaceace_exe/or2.html Could you give her some Ed, Edd, and Eddy Palettes(Like Nazz, Sarah, and Kanker Sisters) Some NFL Pals(New Orleans Saints, Oakland Raiders) and 1 NBA palette(Miami Heat) if you can?
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