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Posts posted by Zemilia

  1. Did a couple more during my spare time. So, here ya go:


    Sig 1: Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Made this one for Cruz.. with a little something extra):



    Sig 2: Lost Saga's Succubus (Thank you Remzy for the Render):



    Sig 3: Eve Stein (Inspired by a song I was listening to):


    I kind of messed up on the "shadow" part of Eve, but it's just a bit of a quick thing I did.


    I'll give you bonus points for knowing the text I use for this sig. Hint: It's a lyric from a certain song. ;3


    And that's all from me.

  2. Whelp, so much for making fun of MMV (and IMT.. only on their template if that counts).


    But on a serious note, how much guild bashing did you guys see to start out this kind of rule? (I was unaware of any bashing towards guild).

  3. Persona 4 - Reach out to the Truth




    This is played if I have to really go all out, and give it my all when I'm fighting someone who's a higher level than me in terms of fighting games.


    And I may use this for the Zombie-Kenny boss fight in South Park: Stick of Truth.

  4. Most of them. Except that she has an "EX" on some moves, and she has a new  super as well.


    However, as much as I would love to play as "Normal Eve"... Idk, something tells me the AF ver. is a lot more complete; compared with AF Eve and Normal Eve anyway. :P


    (She sounds a lot more quieter than AF Eve, given the talkative nature. And aside from that super that crashes Mugen being removed, a couple more supers like something she lifted from Alty are removed as well).

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