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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Oh, I'm not denying that some people intended to bash. I had to re-rail a single Ax release thread multiple times over at MFG because people were getting off track and being idiots about it. They still didn't become bash threads, considering they're just topics that report the creation's release and they were re-railed soon enough.

  2. A hunch doesn't mean anything. The topic starters did nothing but post the character's link and a screenshot for the most part. That's not making an anti-Ax topic. Making an anti-Ax topic is linking to the character while openly calling it shit or something along those lines.

  3. anti-Ax (thats the impression i've gotten from them all) threads?

    Lol. None of these threads were made with the intention of bashing Ax, especially since people should know better than to go into a topic and just randomly insult a person, but it happened anyways.

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