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Ishiro The Third

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Everything posted by Ishiro The Third

  1. If exists a Dante in SNK Style (Not the Alexlexus one), can u tell me, pls? Tnx ><'
  2. Thanks, exactly that ^^ I downloaded it, when i'll extract it appears that the file is corrupted or in a unknown format And sorry by the poor english e_e
  3. This kasumi: http://newsmugen.blogspot.com.br/2010/07/kasumi-wp-by-akkin-updated.html She's no longer avalible in Akkin char dl list... If someone know where can i get her, send me the link, plz... Thanks!
  4. How many incridible stages O_O My first problem was "What stage i'll use? I dont have anyone" Now my problem is "What Stage i'll use? How many amazing stages"
  5. I seek for a Stage for a psychopath boss, preferably, the nearest possible of the SNK styles ... A scenario with a lot of blood, perhaps dead people, something hideous ... Link the best for the post you know > < Thanks ^^ ' And again, sorry by the poor english =b
  6. Ooooh, thanks... I have downloaded a Nyal without voice patch e_e
  7. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/nyal-l-h-updated-nyal41-11152010-122311.0.html Well, that's my reference link... In both Skydrive Links, the voice patch is no longer avalible... Anyone have it?
  8. I know, I said "different," not to mention "extremely weird" ... The palette was not very good ... But I can't say anything about the Gameplay ... ><
  9. Ok, this is a edit somewhat ... Different ... Not?
  10. Don Drago's website is offline... Probabbly, someone have it... If u know where can i foun it, tell me, pls? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBcIp9qLk9Q
  11. Looking for that Rinrin If someone have it send me the DL link, please... >< Thanks
  12. Is the exactly version from Orochi what im looking for... Hard to found :/
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