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Posts posted by TheYukiKonata

  1. Likes: furries, anime, fighters, music, your mom, and art meh nigga


    Hates: niggas trying at act hard and shit because theyre showing off in front of their dick sucking homies and so called bitches that the only reason theyre hanging out with them is because they wanna hit it but know they cant because they will end up knocking her up and claiming they aint the father and then end up on maury to take a DNA test which it turns out its not his baby because during their so called relationship she was fucking his homie behind her back thus making her cry like a little bitch on national television,.,,oh and furry haters.....and lil wayne and lil b

  2. :areyoukidding:



    ok if i had to put it in another way. id say his brawling skills are better than his grappling. cause if you really narrow it down, Zangief is probably at his prime, T.Hawk isnt as cheesy as he was in SF2 but hes still dominate, R.Mika is the most complicated of the grapplers but if you mastered her than she is possible if not the best in the game shes the second best.(id choose her over el furete any day) birdie dosent really depend much on grapples compared to everyone else cause his is more pressure based, kindof like she hulk and haggar, in other words you dont have to do his grapples ion order to be decent with him

  3. My opinion on the whole having more than 6 supers is kindof meh and it really depends. If a character has more than 3 supers even more than 6. then they should all count. Im only saying that is because if your gonna have that many supers then they all should be worth using. I mean Im a die hard fan of Hsien-ko and she has three supers, her bomb super is useless, her sword super is useless, but her overhead super is the only useful one that she has. Does it make her a bad character not really but it makes her options limited which is kindof a bad thing. my p[oint is if terry is gonna have 15 supers then all 15 supers should be worth using. personally i think 3 should be minimum and 8 should be enough.


    btw does he have a bionic punch type special :p

  4. Nah, that's easy. Well...it is if you're a grappler expert. Even more so if you're good with charge characters. Two of my favorites are Zangief and Guile, so Birdie came naturally to me. I think Birdie is a good choice. Or maybe Charlie... :hmm:



    yeah but you gotta remember birdie isnt that good of a grappler so in a way it is a challenge.



    please play as Cammy? :D


    I can try cammy, i have a few friends that are very good with cammy so i can get some pointers from them

  5. So for one long time no speak guys and 2 i had a slight question for everyone


    so im looking for ideas on what game i should do a playthrough on and i came across SFA3 for the PSX. I decided hey im might do the world tour thing if anyone remembers it and plus since theres 6 slots that i can choose from and because i dont wanna be two stingey on who i pick. ive decided to do more of a request thing. I wanted anyone who was interested in watching this playthrough to choose 6 characters that you want to see being played.


    I thought hey this will be a good experience to not get cooped up off of one character and experience using more characters. so you can choose 6 charcaters for me to play , it dosent matter if theyre low teir high teir, if i hate the charcater to death or yada yada. The point is to make this playthrough a fun experience with laughter and rage and whatnot. I just have one request tho, i dont want the list to be full of shoto's if im gonna do shotos its gonna be two at most.


    so due to internet problems at home its gonna be a slow reply on some questions but ill make sure that i answer them as fast as possible whenever i can. so what does everyone think? good , bad, interesting, uninteresting, or nigga yous crazy?

  6. well technically the list goes as:


    Good Guys:



    Gallon/Jon Taliban

    Hsien-Ko/Lei Lei




    Bad Guys:


    Pyron(main antagonist)

    Jedah(Main antagonist)

    Lord Raptor

    Oboro Bishamon






    Netural standing/unknown:



    Bulleta/B.B Hood






  7. this is my thread on my new series called "Road to SHUMPS" for anyone who dont know what SHUMPS are they are Shoot em Up games/bullet hell. known ones are Contra series, Touhou Project , Space Invaders, etc. my main focus is the Gradius series but at some point im gonna go 2 other SHUMPS.



    Gradius Gaiden Attempt 1:



  8. The Game has some flaws.

    Really weird framerate issues, and some issues within the gameplay.

    My biggest peeve about this game is that you cannot go back screens, for instance, In Chun-Li's stage I saw I missed the opportunity to get an E-tank when I went forward a screen. Anybody playing would expect "Oh, I could just go back a screen and do some platforming to get it". But nah, your screen locked, forcing you to go forward and beat the level.

    Frame rate is a bother as well. The Classic Mega Man games on the NES move at a consistent rate of 30 fps, while this game seems to like to dip down to 25 or lower at times and I doubt that a 33 MB game could be that graphically intensive for really any computer.

    Also I have some sound issues, where occasionally my speakers would just screech at me, and the times where the stage music will only play bits and pieces, but that could be a me thing since I'm sure my sound card drivers needs some updating.

    Also between you and me, the portraits for the select screens are pretty ugly.

    I forgot to add that there's some weird deadzone issues with the control pad which uses the analog stick instead of the D-pad, which is really apparent on the select screen trying to pick somebody's stage.

    Don't get me wrong, It's a great game, it's just that I believe it could be presented way better.

    Im guessing thats why my PS2 controller dosent connect to the game even though my SNES controller does. As far as the back screen thingy I dont see it as much as a problem tho but thats just me. The 30fps kindof happened 2 me, the computer went 95 mode to play it but it plays faster than 30fps. There was a few glitches that costed me some lives tho on chunli, when she does her spinning bird kick you can slide under it and receive no damage but when i was in the corner i tried to slide under it and i slid towards the wall instead of away from it which costed me. so yeah outside of those its still a good and playable game. ""fuck those lazes on c.vipers stage"

    btw, does anyway does anybody wanna help with finding weapon weaknesses since you get to fight akuma if you beat all the bosses with their weapon weakness?

  9. I Tried her out and I cant wait for you to finish her. there is a couple of concerns here and there but their minor so i would usually say its up 2 you if you wanna add them or not. -the parry system since it came from the game. -her lvl 3 super with the jam. -mashable light normals(only for hit confirm reasons) -and more crouch attack options( I only suggested it cause its the one thing i think she lacks in a way) I did a couple of videos on her so ill use her often

    short combo vid.
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