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Ultra Fatality

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Posts posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. 16 hours ago, Misana1598 said:

    Hey how's everything coming along?:goodmood:

    Just fine my friend only thing i really need to do is her specials and supers after that shes ready oh and her helper its taking so long because of personal issues on my end so yeah sorry for the wait wish i could get her and a lot of my other projects released sooner >_<

  2. Sorry i haven't updated you guys in awhile with my scott pilgrim peoples been very busy like always but anywho this is just a quick update on whats going on with my peeps everyone is nearly done and up ad running and fighting however Todd and The Katayanagi Twins im having trouble with and now i shall explain.....


    Todd Ingrim has all he needs except for sounds and i need a good substitute for his run, jump and crouch since he's the only one who doesn't do any of that stuff and its really slowing me down guys if i leave him the way he is now he would move way to slow to keep up with other mugen fighters since all he can do is walk so really need help with this one


    Klye and Ken Katayanagi is going well the only problem here is how do i want them to fight i know they have to be on screen together the trouble is coding it right and getting it done its not to hard i assume its just bugging me until i get it done right


    I will try to post a video showing you all whos ready in action so you guys can see how they play but till then stay ultra fatal, i'll be back with more updates asap

  3. The Bi Furious Ninja Herself Roxy Richter 




    She's also going to be a rush down very fast pace character with lots of combos to pull off, her special moves will be combo setups very fast and easy to do shes going to have a teleport special, invisibility (from the movie) and her sword whip thingy





    Roxy is actually the closest to being 100% done alongside Lucas all she needs is her strikers which will be her ninja clan members and her supers coded and then boom done so I'll be seeing you guys really soon with more info on her


  4. Its been awhile since i updated you guys on my 7 evil exes projects so I'm going to update you guys on the missing 3 right now enjoy


    Matthew Patel




    Matthew will be a rush down character up in your face and stuff, hes going to have some fast, powerful and mean combos with some mystic effects





    His strikers will be Demon Hipster Chicks, A man on fire, and some dog why some dog and random flaming guy because he needs more strikers sorry i dont have any screenshots of his strikers and stuff but thats what im working them and his special moves




    Matthew is moving at a great pace and should be done in no time all i need to do is add his strikers code his supers and specials and done so he'll be seeing you guys really soon


  5. 5 hours ago, TMC55 said:

    I have a stupid question. Will the gameplay be the same like basara"s scott pilgrim and nega scott?

    Thats not a stupid question bro, but no they will have a unique playstyle i wanted to make it like your playing the actualy Scott Pilgrim game minus the jump button so they will have 2 attack buttons light and heavy 2 striker summon buttons an Ex Button for specialmoves, stace changing, and transformations and a Super Button

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