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Posts posted by Hellzone

  1. [state 205, 1]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1 = AnimElem = 2

    attr = S, NA

    damage = 33, 0

    animtype = Light

    guardflag = MA

    hitflag = MAF

    priority = 3, Hit

    pausetime = 8, 8

    sparkno = -1

    sparkxy = -10, -76

    guardsound = 6, 0

    hitsound = s0,9

    ground.type = High

    ground.slidetime = 5

    ground.hittime = 11

    ground.velocity = -4

    airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8

    air.type = High

    air.velocity = -1.4,-3

    air.hittime = 15

    numhits = 1

    forcenofall = 1

    My hit sound will only play once when i attack the oppent and then it stops working

  2. ;Command Y

    [statedef 210]

    type = S

    movetype= A

    physics = S

    juggle = 4

    velset = 0,0

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 210

    poweradd = 30

    sprpriority = 2


    [state 210 1]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1 = AnimElem = 3

    attr = S, NA

    animtype = Medium

    damage = 30,30

    guardflag = MA

    pausetime = 12,12

    sparkno = 1

    sparkxy = -15,-15

    hitsound = 5,2

    guardsound = 6,0

    ground.type = High

    ground.slidetime = -1

    ground.hittime = 16

    ground.velocity = -5.5

    air.velocity = -2.5,-4

    forcenofall = 1


    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1= movehit = 1 && command = "y"

    value = 211

    ctrl = 0


    [state 210, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1


    ; Auto Combo Y (Second Hit)

    [statedef 211]

    type = S

    movetype= A

    physics = S

    juggle = 4

    velset = 0,0

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 211

    poweradd = 30

    sprpriority = 2


    [state 211, 1]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1 = AnimElem = 2

    attr = S, NA

    animtype = Medium

    damage = 25,30

    guardflag = MA

    pausetime = 12,12

    sparkno = 1

    sparkxy = -15,-15

    hitsound = 5,2

    guardsound = 6,0

    ground.type = High

    ground.slidetime = 0

    ground.hittime = 16

    ground.velocity = -5.5

    air.velocity = -2.5,-4

    forcenofall = 1


    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1= movehit = 1 && command = "y"

    value = 212

    ctrl = 0


    [state 211, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1


    ; Auto Combo Y (Third Hit)

    [statedef 212]

    type = S

    movetype= A

    physics = S

    juggle = 4

    velset = 0,0

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 212

    poweradd = 30

    sprpriority = 2


    [state 212, 1]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1 = AnimElem = 4

    attr = S, NA

    animtype = Medium

    damage = 25,30

    guardflag = MA

    pausetime = 12,12

    sparkno = 1

    sparkxy = -15,-15

    hitsound = 5,2

    guardsound = 6,0

    ground.type = High

    ground.slidetime = 0

    ground.hittime = 16

    ground.velocity = -5.5

    air.velocity = -2.5,-4

    forcenofall = 1

    fall = 1


    [state 212, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1


    i watched ryons video on autocombo's and i applied it to my x command and it work so when i coded it for the y command it's not working, above is the coding


    i also tried it like this


    ;Command Y

    [state -1, Command Y]

    type = ChangeState

    value = 210

    trigger1 = command = "y" && movehit = 1

    trigger1 = statetype != A

    triggerall = stateno = 210

    trigger1 = ctrl


    ;Command Y Auto Combo Hit 1

    [state -1, Command Y]

    type = ChangeState

    value = 211

    triggerall = stateno = 211

    trigger1 = command = "y" && movehit = 1

    trigger1 = statetype != A

    trigger1 = ctrl


    ;Command Y Auto Combo Hit 2

    [state -1, Command Y]

    type = ChangeState

    value = 212

    triggerall = stateno = 211

    trigger1 = command = "y"

    trigger1 = statetype != A

    trigger1 = ctrl

  3. ive been working hard on this guy along with my other wip( The Power Rangers) i will add more spirtes shortly ive just been very busy with my personal life, i havent given up on this character. ive been frankenspriting some attacks and hypers to make it feel orginal, he will play like something new. size of the hulk but way different. 


    Much Love <3

    Thanks for the support

  4. sorry for double posting.



    So i've been working hard over the past few days, doing alot of research of coding and watching alot of tutorials so these characters come out really good.
    Pink Ranger : Yellow Ranger Helper Super
    Two Supers That Involve Her Morphin Back
    Pink Ranger Combo Super
    Arrow Barrage(Fires 5 Arrows) Super
    1 Zord Hyper
    Red Ranger : Multi Ranger Helpers
    Two Supers That Involve Him Morphs Back
    Ranger Ranger Multi Combo Super
    2 Zord Hypers
    A Custom Sword Combo Super (That I Made)
    Blue Ranger : 
    3 Supers Which He Morphs Back
    1 Zord Hyper
    Custom Weapon Attack Super
    Blue Ranger Combo Super.
    Also Each Ranger Has There Own Color Guard & hitspark
    Auto combos
    ~More To Come
    Every Step I Take With These Rangers, I'm Learning, So I Find Myself fixing code over and over
    Yellow & Black & White / Green & 2 Bonus Characters
    All In Development
    I Really Need Help Finding Sounds
    Screen Shot <3  
    Posted Image
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