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Everything posted by kosmos

  1. The code for that zoom feature is actually pretty simple, it just needs adjustment per stage. I'ts just two lines that can go anywhere under [Camera]: startzoom = 1 zoomout = 0.84
  2. Yeeaaaah, I made that post before all that shit actually started. When I initially made the post the main gripe was base and AI. But as things escalated and I seen this guys true personality all I could think, "Damn, and I defended this guy." So don't worry, he made me feel a fool too. X3
  3. See? Why can't the other forums be like this? No one's starting shit because of what creator's character he decided to use as a base or how tough the AI is or any of the other semantic bullshit that keep seeing in the other release topics. For people who seem to know so much about how MUGEN coding is supposed to work, you'd think they'd just fix whatever they find wrong for themselves and offer actual helpful information after the fact. I've not seen any suggestions, all I've seen is a bunch of bitching about whose Venom he chose to use a base. Isn't that what MUGEN is about? Freedom of creation? Or am I mistaken. Personally, I don't care about any of that crap. I do exactly what I said, if I don't like something in the way a character is coded, I just change it to suit my likings. I'm just happy to have a new character to add to my roster, so thank you for the release Jarro. I happen to like this character just fine.
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