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Everything posted by Neigdoig

  1. This is something right up my alley (except you can't see my PFP, since I get a -200 code error). That said, the name's Nëïgsëndöïg Cöcülës (Neeg-sen-doyg Ko-kyu-uhls), and I'm a Linux user who happened to be very interested in MUGEN, that I had played 1.1b (the latest stable version), but had only dipped my toes into it. Otherwise, I'm a normal Linux-using YouTuber (under the CoculesNation channel primarily) who does gaming and tutorials for gaming on any Linux distribution (I use Mint, by the way). I'm quite the tech nerd, helped by the fact that I've had Autism Spectrum Disorder for 18 years (19 in October), so I think that's an advantage somewhat. In other hobbies, I'm into music production (yes, I produce music too), writing (book writing, specifically), tinkering with FOSS and eventually, programming. That's me in a nutshell, but feel free to reach out to me on here or another FOSS platform of your choice!
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