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Community Answers

  1. Dissidia's post in Viuda Negra (very old Ananzi) was marked as the answer   
    The original Viuda Negra and the others can still be found on Borghi's original website via Internet Archive.
  2. Dissidia's post in Metalfreekz13's "Evil Ken" was marked as the answer   
    Here you go: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xvskuxvuy5etq1y/evilken2.zip/file
  3. Dissidia's post in Looking for Player #1 in a image was marked as the answer   
  4. Dissidia's post in Ryu (ver 0.8) by PotS was marked as the answer   
    I no longer have Nozomu, but I still have Ryu.
  5. Dissidia's post in I need a Mugen Tech Expert on mugen software was marked as the answer   
    It's the engine renderer's fault, not the computer's video card.. Even for 640,480 users, frame rate drops because of transparencies and effects. You're better off sticking with 1.1 and OpenGL if you want smoother frame rate.
  6. Dissidia's post in life bars and screenpack request was marked as the answer   
    Private by jafar. There's another version of the screenpack but I forget who made it.
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