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Everything posted by Danny_Dorito911

  1. Hello! Hopefully someone finds this and is willing to undertake this herculean task. I have a list of 18 characters in the JUS style that I need for a big anime game project. It can be done in any amount of time and I am willing to pay anything for these to be done. I don't want them to be done all at once, because my budget will hurt paying close to $2-3000 all at once. The list goes as follows, in any order: MHA: Mina Momo Kyoka Yuga Eraserhead Hawks Midnight Toga Demon slayer: Genya Mitsuri (though i know someone is making one, it's just for good measure) Obanai Rui Jujitsu Kaisen: Sugaru Geto Seven deadly Sins: Gloxinia (sprite sheet can be provided) Melascula Akira (1980 movie): Kaneda Fist of the North Star: Raoh Bobobo-bo-bo-bobo: Gunkan I am willing to pay ANYTHING, as long as it is less than $700 per character.
  2. Actually, I got them from an open source mugen/openbor sprite collection. You reminded me to add credits, and here are the ones for the Black knight sprites. Base: Taskmaster by rojin70 Head: by NicotineFist1805 and alan-san Edited By Vellrrarth But I did do some (very) minor edits to the attack sprites, and he is a WIP, so expect an updated version soon. Thank you.
  3. Really amateur Black Knight and Baron Zemo (with Masters of Evil strikers edited from crosspotts gmspecter's zemo) made by me. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sh_fy-04OINsqoCOvTYNHc4-wlvxJDIw?usp=sharing Hope y'all enjoy. These are my first ever (mostly) self-made mugen chars.
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